
Are they calling for Hillary to drop out cause they're afraid of her; knowing she may win?

by Guest66884  |  earlier

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It's sound like a scared tactic to me.




  1. Its not fair Obama shouldnt have ran against her in the first place if he wanted the dems to win

  2. Yeah, right. Gov't higher-ups are SOOO worried that they are all lieing to us. Didnt think Hillary had THAT much power. jeez

  3. They want her to drop out because of this article.

  4. They are calling for her to drop out because they can count.

    You sound like a Ron Paul supporter. (He still can win.)

  5. Well, given that Obama has more delegates, and he has more support among Democrats, no.

    You may not use reality to form your impressions, but many people do.

    So, you think if YOU saw "it sound(s) like a scare[d -- sic] tactic" that everyone else with think so too?

    Not everyone is mindless.

  6. Once cavemen saw the power women possessed by giving birth, they became afraid...grabbed their clubs and dragged them back to the cave by the hair.

    It'll never change. Men know women are intelligent and don't have testosterone poisoning and it scares the h**l out of them. Things will NEVER change.

  7. Afraid she might win, and afraid of the damage she could do to Obama in the process of not quite winning.  It's a lose-lose situation for the Obama camp.

  8. I don't believe that they are scared, per say. Hilary, although a great campaigner, does not have the popular vote. Nor will she get it, if she simply resorts to petty mud throwing. As many people have stated, she has pretty much run out of things to say that hold value to ALL of us. This is a critical point for her, as during this time where she is in a campaign lull, she needs what she lacks most to get her through; inspirationan, motivational skills and charisma. Do not take this to mean that I do not admire her; I am a woman and a Democrat. I voted for and respected her husband. But as she repeatedly stated, and as we all see, they are not one in the same, therefore, she is running into problems where her husband, Bill, nor her opponent Obama simply did not. They can command your attention, and inspire you to see the enire picture. Bill and Obama are able to pull the masses together and create change, starting within US, the nation as a whole. Hilary may have political experience, but not PEOPLE experience. And as a matter of fact, she the politicians holding the superdelegates, you know, those guys who can elect a candidate regardless of the popular vote, are basically leaning toward  Hilary to run against McCain given the fact that feel that she has a better chance of winning against McCain so go figure. You never know what's going to happen. But I will tell you this; watch what happens if the superdelegate holders vote Hilary to run against McCain even though Obama has a huge amount of the popular vote. This isn't like John Kerry or any of the others who have won the popular vote; no, Obama has it in the bag by a landslide. You will see a back lash of epic proportions. I hope the holders of the superdelegates know they can actually start a revolution. Blessings....

  9. I'm sure that's one of the reasons they want her to drop out, but they're also afraid that the democrats will be so divided by the democrat nomination that they won't be able to come  together and vote for who ever ends up getting the nomination in November.

  10. No, they are asking Hillary to drop out because she can't win. It's mathematically impossible for her to get the number of delegates needed to win the nomination and it is very unlikely that she can get more delegates than Obama, therefore, it will come down to the "super delegates" and it is very likely that the majority will support the person with the most delegates.  At some time it is prudent to understand this and to go on to the next race which is against John McCain and many think that this is the time. Now is the time to show some humility and class and bow out with a little bit of dignity and do what is best for the party and the country (and the world for that matter) and do everything she can to make sure another Republican does not get elected.

  11. she will not pull out unless a deal is made...i don"t think even if they offer vp she will concede! she thinks america is ready for a female president...i agree on that however not her!

  12. How will she win by giving Obama the "Vince Foster" treatment (just kidding).I recall Obama asking her to remain in the race, the other parties of the DNC would prefer she drop out because according to them she only has a 5-10% chance of winning yet it is indeed still a Kudos for Hillary for staying in the race but I still say

    Obama 08

  13. Well Yes, that's exactly it... but honestly it doesn't matter who "wins" we're in trouble...

  14. That could very well be the reason.

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