
Are they fools? what can i do with a p.s2 game on my pc?

by  |  earlier

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every time i visit games site , i see " download this p.s.2 game for free !" what for? i cannot play it on my pc or transfer it to my p.s.2. either.




  1. You can play those games you only need to download something called ps2 emulator. Click on the site below i think there is more explonation there.

  2. If you're seeing messages like those on direct links, they are lies and scams. Nobody can offer a ps2 game for direct download without being sued. They are all still copyrighted.

    It's possible to get ps2 games via p2p torrent download, but it's still illegal, and it takes forever, is plagued by viruses, and there are industry insiders spying on transfers which is easy to do. People do get sued for downloading game torrents.

    PS2 games are ALMOST playable on ps2 emulators, but not quite, not really. The emulators have been worked on for a long time but they are still works-in-progress. Google and find one called


    and one called


    and there's one called


    These are generally the best-developed ones and they may be at the level where they can actually play a game most of the way through, depending on what game it is. There aren't any that work for all the games and for most games, they'll play a few cutscenes or get you to the menus and stuff, then crash.

    After you get the emulator, you're not done, you then have to get the ps2 BIOS. There is only one legal way to obtain or possess a ps2 BIOS, and that is to copy it from your own ps2. Your ps2 must remain in your possession as long as you have the BIOS, too. There is nowhere to get a direct download of the ps2 BIOS on the internet, since it's illegal to offer it. The sites for the above emulators will give more information about how to copy the BIOS from your own ps2. It will involve buying more hardware, probably.

    Most downloaded ps2 games end up being used on modded ps2's rather than emulated. It's still illegal though, and nowadays ps2 games are so cheap that it's a waste of money to have your ps2 modded just so you can get a few free games. You'll never save as much money as you spent on the mod, and you might get sued too.

    So the short answer is yes, they're fools. Especially if they are really offering direct download of a ps2 game, which will get them sued real quick.

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