
Are they going to be making sequels to the Twilight movie?

by Guest62663  |  earlier

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I need to know if they are to make New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn into a movie.




  1. They had a interview With Jackson who plays Jasper Hale and they asked him if he is signed up for the other 2 movies and he said he is signed up for all 3 books so all of them will be a movie!

  2. s m sold her rights 2 the first 3 books, they r thinking of filming next 2 at once 2 save costs and stuff, but the screen writer said she cant comment on if they r already making another 1 in an interview she did with some website forgot the name, but its up at

  3. I'm more than 100% sure that they will. : D

  4. I heard that they already started writing the script for new moon, so as long as Stephenie Meyer says ok to it, they're gonna do a second.

  5. Well, they're for sure doing a New Moon one because on they already have a "New Moon" movie page up.

    I don't see how they could make Breaking Dawn into a movie though, since some of it is from Jacob's perspective and when Bella's having the baby is very gory...

  6. New Moon comes out in early 2010..

  7. I seen someone posted "news" on Y!A saying that one of the actors was signed to act in New Moon and Eclipse. No idea about breaking dawn yet though.  

  8. if twilight is a success yes probably. if not no because they won't have the money so like get alot of people to watch it :D  

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