
Are they going to fire me?

by Guest33487  |  earlier

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It's my third week working as a cashier in a retail store and I'm always short or over for few cents after my shifts. I'm so worried.




  1. If you are not stealing don't worry.

  2. It depends..

    My contract allows me to go under $5. I would watch out tho doesn't look to go if you just started

  3. CANDY;

    Settle down, if they cared they would had ask you to chip in the difference the first day.

    Running a register is all most impossible to Honestly keep to the penny......

    It can be done....but you would be fired for being too slow.

    Count your cash tray before you start.....carefully....your shortage is probally right there before you start.

    Don't trust anybody....they make mistakes too....

    So proud of you......most people could give a "rats butt"


  4. I would not get worried, because they will have to give you warnings or notifications that they have an issue with what you are doing. However, for future take your time. Always double check yourself.

  5. No, you are safe. It is universally understood by older adults that when you graduate from high school no matter what amount of BS is stated you cannot read and write or add and subtract above a 3rd or 4th grade level, if that. Therefore all businesses except banks allow for a daily shortage of between $1.00 and $5.00. If the coming future if you are within 30 percent of what you should have they will weep with joy and hug each other and say "we got a GOOD one."  If you are the only one on the register you should be 'to the penny.' It is not hard and should be a minimum requirement.  If you need to brush up don't be embarrassed.  If you are very fast and efficient and 'to the penny' for about 3 weeks in a role you will be promoted and someone who loses or steals money will get your job. Your 'promotion' will be in the fashion of a meaningless title but no real financial gain. Welcome to the real world.

  6. If they see a set pattern in the short and and overage then they will suspect something fishy..  take your time and count the change BACK to the customer this might help you a little... you might be able to catch yourself and if you find you have shorted the customer or yourself better you catch it then the cashroom..

  7. Since you're worried, you could always throw a few pennies in.

    It's been a long time for me (decades), but I've been there.. I think it happens to all cashiers.  Keeping a good cashier can be tough, so odds are that it's no problem.

  8. no,they wont fire you, but they will giv u a warning not 2 do it happens a lot of times with other people.but if they really giv u a warning, then ur lucky, jus dont do it again, cuz probably then, they will fire u.

  9. There is alway a magic number.....over x or under y  do you know that number?  As long as you are under that number    there is always alittle room for error

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