
Are they going to kill the apprentice in star wars the force unleashed?

by  |  earlier

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I was watching this trailer and the apprentice is screaming as something comes crashing into him, and on it says on a demo or something, Darth vader impales him with a light-saber and then the trailer leaves you hanging making you wonder if he lives or dies, does anyone know if they're going to kill the apprentice off?




  1. i think they will, lucus wont change the story for some dumb game(which looks ******* awesome)

    i think hes gonna watch vader die and and come in and try to fight luke

    and die or they wont fight......but rly i dont care and im leaving

  2. i don't think so but if they did it would be at the end of the game and beside it a demo just to tease you  which means you don't know how much is really going to make it to the game some demo's i seen never make it to the game at all. sorry i couldn't be more help

  3. yes they do.......check out this's a star wars wikipedia called has everything about star wars on there

    anyway i found this on there an it says the apprentice has become so powerful...he defeats vader ...nearly kills him :( and defeats the emperor....he's that powerful.....and i believe he kills himself through the force so his friends can escape.......there are also some cool pics of the emperor and vader battle damaged :)

    hope this helps

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