
Are they just trying to be nice?

by  |  earlier

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First of all I hate the way I look I am fat and tall so I really stand out in a crowd. My friends though are always telling me how beautiful I am. They do it every time I put myself down and even when I don't. I don't know what to think any more. I have always been teased because of my weight and I am really afraid to believe. Should I believe them?




  1. First ask yourself ...are they your TRUE friends

    a true friend would tell you you know what your not the skinniest person but your pretty anywway or somthing along those lines

    and if they say your beautilful and you dont bileave it its worth NOTHING. becuase thats there opinion. you are you and thats whos opinon maters in theis case.if you think your just beautiful thats all that matters becuase you are your own best friend. and you will always have yourself unles you stop bileaving in yourself.

    i hope I helped <3

  2. Your friends are definitely trying to cheer u up, but I believe they look more at your inner beauty than your weight which is really unimportant.  

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