
Are they my friends or not?

by  |  earlier

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they can be awesome friend really supportive but then they bag me behind my back and lie about it and are always making snide comments about my looks. are they true friends?




  1. i would say no

    u should look for better friends, cause right now they could just be using u  

  2. that is not a true friend dont worry honey you will be fine. people sometimes can be hard to figure out go buy the book toxic people it will help you to choose who you want in your life. everybody goes thur this even me hang in their you will be ok

  3. listen its high time u need a change...

    not a change of atmosphere but change of ur present friends or people whom u so call friends... they r dark spots on friendship.. if u really adore them then u need to explain them and give them a second chance... else if not them kick them on thier,,,,, u know what pal...

    i hope i helped....

  4. Why do you have to ask?  Awesome but snide, rude, unkind and ....?  

  5. Of course not.

  6. i know its hard since im sure they can be amazing friends

    ... but i think you should find some better friends sweetie!!

    that doesn't mean you can't be mates with them and have to fall out with them though, just find some friends who aren't like that :)

    love phoebe xoxox

  7. of course not! true friends never talk bout each other's backs or making snide comments bout ur looks. they shouldnt even care bout ur looks in the first place! its wat inside that counts. so, if ur strong enough, (emotionally) u tell them off and find better friends who r totally worth it!

    hope that helped!

  8. no way! real friends are there for you when you need it AND they accept you for what you are. Stand up to them and tell them that you don't appreciate what they are doing. If they still continue, they aren't worth it as friends.

  9. Nope.

    True friends don't do that.

    Cuaz wot they'r doin probably is hurting u.

    And true friends should protect u frm being hurt not be the ones doing it.

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