
Are they raising the prices on cigarettes???

by  |  earlier

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im 13 and i want to know. ive heard they are raising the prices on cigarretes to get poeple to stop smoking. is that true?? yayyyyyyy!!!! hopefully, i hate smoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. i think they are doing it for that reason i hope they are because my brother is 16 and i saw cigarettes in his car and i made him throw them out and hes not what u call Rich so i hope its expensive im scared for my brother hes been busted

  2. i hope they do

  3. it should be raising little by little n skyrocketing by 2009

  4. you know, people who smoke are saving our economy, i don't do it but the taxes on cigarettes are what pays for our roads. technically it is a good thing, and if the price goes up, so does our economy

  5. The reality of the situation is that smoking is a choice. In this day and age everyone is aware of the health issues. Yet, some people still make the choice to smoke. . .

    And so some people decide to wage an economic war on these people. They have swayed popular opinion to the point that one guy here accused smokers of being selfish. Why? For choosing to live there life the way they want to? What happens when all the smokers are gone and the moral majority moves on to something you do?

    Make no mistake about it, the persecution of smokers is everything that this country is supposed to stand against, a free country means that its citizens can choose to do what they want, provided it doesn't hurt anyone. So banning smoking from public buildings is a correct choice, driving the prices up to take the choice out of peoples hands is economic fascism.

    And when they came for me.. .

  6. Yes I heard that too.

    It might help because everything is so expensive that smokers need to save money and therefore cut back smoking a bit.

    From what I heard others don't care about the price they will smoke no matter what.

  7. i no same here i hate it to.

    i have heard the same things.

    i have people in my family that are very ill from smoking he now has to walk with a walker yea i hate it.

    i think if they raise the prices more people would STOP....

    cuz i mean they or most have to buy gas.

    of corse i think that many of us would feel a whole ton better.

    if  they did there would be many more lifes saved .

    maybe even less homless peeps no affense to anyone.

    again i feel the same way.

    thanks for asking this.

    maybe more will stop smoking because of this......

  8. The price of everything goes up with the fuel prices increasing. Plus, additional taxes on cigarettes in many places.  

  9. People will not stop smoking

    cause it's

    so d**n



    and we all

    wanna be




  10. I hope not. Thats a dumb idea. I'm 22, but I feel sorry for the 18year olds now :(;...

  11. they should have raised the prices on cigarettes instead of gasoline


  12. I hope they dont.


    But I need to quit.


  13. Prices are raising on EVERYTHING.

  14. Always. The price is constantly going up to deter smokers.

  15. yeah because the medical problems are impacting hospitals too much

    I think it is 10 bucks for a pack in New York city

  16. Well f*ck you too!

  17. hopefully... it would save lives.. smokers are selfish

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