
Are they really broken????

by  |  earlier

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2 days ago my mom got really mad at me and she threw a chair at me and wen i went to put my hands in front of my face it hit my knuckles on my right hand.... i heard a bunch of crunches and they turned black.... now they're red and puffy and hurt a lot. are they broken... if they are and i need to go to a docor what should i tell them???? i cant tell the truth cuz im 13 and i dont want to go to foster care at all!?!?!?!?




  1. if you can move your fingers, they aren't broken.

    send your mother to me by the way. i have a few large pieces of furniture i can throw at her!

  2. listen i know what it's like to live with a bipolar mom, where as my mom never physically abused me, she verbally abused me no one deserves that, you need to do the right thing for you and her, you need to seek help immediatley, they will only put you in foster care for as long as your mom is in treatment, or if your parents are divorced then you will live with your father, if they aren't divorced than your father can be charged with the knowledge of meaningful battery, you won't be in foster care long, i promise you my mom was in treatment for three weeks (she wasn't even home for christmas that year) but i still got to live at home because of my step-dad.

    go to a hospital, tell them the truth please.

  3. Swelling, pain, bruising tell us that there is an injury. Just because something moves or doesn't move does not tell us if it is broken or not. The only way to know for sure is to get an x-ray.

    Just because your mother is bi-polar does not give her the right to abuse you. The fact that your father loves her does not give her the right to abuse you. As a child they are both supposed to protect you and take care of your welfare. I understand getting mad at you. They could yell or something but even language can be abusive. If she can't control her rages and behavior then she needs intervention. It would be a help to her to tell the truth so that she can get the proper medications and/or counseling to help get her mind right.

  4. Well... you could say that you tripped and your hand hit the sidewalk the way it hit the chair... And yeah, please go to the doctor.

  5. You are in a difficult situation, apart of all, your hand need medical assistance, is the most important fact. I understand your situation(I have never been on this situation) but I understand you. The best you can do is talk with your mother, she surely know the consequences of her acts if you tell the truth and I think she will understand all the situation. Related to your hand, I think it may be broken, the most important is getting medical assistance as soon as you can. My best wishes for you and good luck

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