
Are they really going to build a super highway stretching from Mexico to Canada?

by Guest60304  |  earlier

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for the mexican trucks and vice versa? I live in rural Texas and if that bridge plan is true that it will run right through my town.

Will the government start taking up peoples land if they do not want to sell and it is the plans for the bridge?

Why do we need a super highway, whats wrong w/ the routes there taking now?

Will we be allowed to vote?

Is this even true or is this all just talk?




  1. yes, it is REALLY in the plans!  

  2. Yes and many, many, many U.S. truckers jobs will be lost because of it.

  3. Hello. Hello ?  Are you NEW ??? It has been called the NAFTA Super Highway for a long time a google search and check the might really need to be sitting down when you check out the history of this monstrosity.... glad I was born when I was - once again.  Strange days indeed.

  4. The plans for opening highways to connect Canada and Mexico are real.

    The only vote you have is in who you choose to represent you in the government.

    This is part of the North American Alliance they have wanted to create for some time.  

    Research your candidates that are running for office, look at their voting records and their loyalties before placing your trust in them.


    Like most "conspiracy theories" that the "tin-foil-hat-wearing-kooks" talk about, this will be denied and obfuscated right up until it is finally built and opened for business.

    Like one guy said on the radio, "This is NOT the so-called NAFTA Superhighway.  It is simply a huge highway that connects Mexico and Canada through the U.S. heartland."

    In another words, "This is NOT a pile of S**t.  It is simply the remains of a meal that was eaten, processed by an animal until there were no nutrients left, and was then passed from the bowels."

    Most definitely NOT S**t.

  6. Yes, it is true.  It is the NAFTA superhighway.  Kansas City will be the first place that they will actually inspect the trucks.  Which means that a dirty bomb could be set off ANY PLACE in the US because of lack of oversight and stupidity.

    NAFTA is destroying the US and the people who voted for this have committed nothing short of TREASON when voting for this.

    Yes, the government have already started down the path of imminent domain to confiscate peoples land.

    There is nothing wrong with the routes currently used, it is just a way to get more land and to control people even more, while the Corp. get everything that they want.

    You have already voted for the elected officials who backed NAFTA.  That is how much your vote counts.

  7. it's called highway 101, it already exists, it has existed for a long time and I drive it quite regularly...

    There is no new "Supper highway" the government plans to build, it is a silly pipe dream some guy thought up to scare a bunch of other people.

  8. I know exactly what you mean and when i researched the topic i found out the horrifying news that is indeed true. We will not be allowed to vote and the plans are already in motion to begin constructing it. Land of the free my ***.

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