
Are they really my friends???

by  |  earlier

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My friends keep tricking me for like long periods of time and I still stay as their friends. The latest and most hurtful was from my friend Ana who tricked on a website with a fake account. She made a boy face and pretended that the boy liked me. I'm sick of the jokes but I always remain their friends. It sux. What should I do???




  1. It doesn't sound like their very good friends, I know sometimes it is hard to let go when finding new friends can be a hassle. Tell them you don't like the trickery, a good friend would understand your feelings. But if they decide that your making it out to be a big deal, don't bother with them anymore. So not worth it.

  2. I suggest trying to find some other people who treat you with a bit of respect. I do not think there really your friends. Sometimes friend make mistakes and accidentally hurt each other, but usually apologize if the person really means something to them, but what their doing to you, is deliberate and mean. You could either confront them, or just let them go. Good luck with your problem love <3

  3. I used to go to a public skool and i'm mexican. The skool i went to had like only mexicans with few blacks and whites that didn't matter (no im not racist). Anyway at that skool i had drama drama drama everyday with my friends..not always about me but just drama. I got into arguments with my friends all the time and we stopped talking for a few weeks then make up and during the time we weren't talkin we were talkin **** behind the others back. I still stayed friends with them. Then the next year i switched skools to a private skool not bcuz my friends but bcuz it was a great opportunity for me. After i switched skools i cried cuz i missed my old skool and a lot of my friends had suddenly turned on me for good. That's when i realized that those people who always treated me like c**p and i always fought with, didn;t matter at all! And the ones who i continued to talk to during the year were my real friends and they were always there for me.

    Just open your eyes and realize that those biotches who you call your "friends" are not friends worth having. You'll know who is a real friend and who isnt by the way they treat you, talk to you, etc. So find other friends, cuz those girls will be nothing to you in the long run

  4. well I understand your situation... In my group of friends, I am the one who always being played/ tricked/ bullied at... But it doesn't matter because it is only a friendly joke. I am also joking around with them. JOKE also with them and don't be carried away. But when it comes to your dignity and it does not sounds funny at all and it hurts you then--- that is the time you complain and fight back. Don't let them hurt or degrade you! If they are your friend then they will treat you right and respect you.

    Go gurl...^_~

  5. Find new friends^^

  6. If you friends are treating you this badly, then maybe they aren't really your friends. You deserve a LOT better than them. To them, it's just a joke to get attention and make other people laugh, but they are too immature to realise how much this is actually affecting you. Get rid of them! Make new friends. It may take a while to make new friends, believe me I know, but just be yourself, and people will resect you for that. Then, your ex-friends will realise how stupid they were to lose you.


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