
Are they still searching for maddie mccann?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just wondering...




  1. Yes they are, but not as much as before. Life does go on, and they've already used up a lot of time and energy in the search and need to get on with other things. They are still investigating, but at the moment they've hit a dead end.

  2. The parents have never physically searched for her at all, and have done nothing to assist the police investigation...refusing to answer questions, refusing to take part in a a reconstruction, changing their story, etc. To cap it all, some of the fund raised from members of the public has been used to pay their mortgage and meet defence lawyers' costs!

  3. I guess the search has been scaled down quite a lot. The Portuguese police were quite useless to begin with, so I doubt they're likely to get anywhere at this late stage.

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