
Are thier any jobs for twelve year olds besides babysitting ,car washing, dog walking, or lemonade stand?

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Are thier any jobs for twelve year olds besides babysitting ,car washing, dog walking, or lemonade stand?




  1. If you have a family member who works in a n office, you could work there  and help with cleaning, folding and posting letters, stamping, etc.

    Helping little old ladies clean their house, set up vcrs, dvd players computers etc.


  2. drug dealer, i dont think theres an age limit on that one

  3. You could be a hooker.

  4. Chores? you pretty much named all the 12 year old money makers up there.

  5. When I was twelve years old , I would wash and iron my neighbor's shirts . He was a professor at the local college and had to wear white shirts to work every day.

  6. i have the same exact problem....i figured out that there is no jobs available for tweleve year olds so i just clean the house for money

  7. newspaper girl/boy. bikini girl washer.

  8. newspaper small towns

  9. I did yard work (mowing, weeding, etc...) when I was 12.  Depends on the neighbor you live in though.

  10. You shouldn't be doing babysitting as a job if you're 12 years old.

  11. lawn mowing ,weed whacking,or he could get a workers card from the workeforce an apply for a job anywere he wants,or picking up cans an recyckling them for change,etc.....etc

  12. sign flipper

    lawn mower

    chores...maybe mom and dad will pay you to do extra around the house.  Not that they should but maybe they would.

  13. Landscaping. (lawnmowing)

  14. sure, start your own website.  Learn how to use an application like dreamweaver, at your age you actually have the ability to learn faster than adults and you have the time on your hands.  Once you got that down think about  a website that people would want to visit and then create it.  Then post advertising on it.  adwords by google is popular.

    look at the top of my friends web page here as an example

      Then people click on those links and every time they do you make money.  Might take you a year or so to learn all this stuff but start working on it now and by the time you graduate high school you'll be way ahead of the pack.  Anyone can do this stuff, the younger the better.  Give it a shot.

  15. get a paper route. call your local newspaper company and ask them how it works...I had one from 5th grade to 7th grade and I got a percentage of what they paid monthly for the paper. I road my bicycle and then when i was old enough my mom got me a little scooter. on rainy days she would take me!

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