
Are things like hurricane Katrina, the tsunami that hit South East Asia?

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and the Burma typhoon and flood that killed millions Just God trying tell us something?




  1. Yeah. Don't build on the coastline or along the river.

  2. I don't think so, I was a victim of Rita and I haven't done anything seriously wrong. I'ts just nature taking it's course. A bug hurricane comes along around here every 20 years or so, it's just natural. Nothing really terrible has happened recently, nothing we deserved the hurricane for at least. I don't think that God does whatever he wants just because he can. He isn't going to sit up there and choose what we say and do, he lets us take our own course and make our own decisions. Otherwise the world would be perfect, don't you think? God does love us, but he wants us to walk on our own so we don't need his support for everything we do. Sorry if I suddenly got religious and opinionated, I guess this is a religious question, right?

  3. No. It's nature trying to tell us something.

  4. i believe so, because if you pay close attention to all the things happening. Something is happening but where not paying attention..

  5. No. What would he be trying to tell us?  Doesn't God love his children? Why would he WANT to kill people.  Yeah, and FYI those things didn't kill millions.  Not even 1 million, in fact, a lot less.

  6. Scientists Debate Cause of Temperature Changes that Create Hurricanes~~

    While scientists agree on the mechanics of hurricane formation, and they agree that hurricanes are becoming more frequent and severe, that’s where consensus ends.

    Some scientists believe that human activity already has Contributed significantly to global warming, which is increasing air and water temperatures worldwide and making it easier for hurricanes to form and gain destructive force.

    Other scientists believe that the increase in severe hurricanes over the past decade is due to natural salinity and temperature changes deep in the Atlantic—part of a natural environmental cycle that shifts back and forth every 40-60 years.

    Frequency and Severity of Hurricanes Likely to Increase

    While the scientific community debates the root cause of the temperature changes that are contributing to the current increase in destructive hurricanes, three things are apparent:

    Air and water temperatures are rising worldwide.

    Human activities such as deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions from a wide range of industrial and agricultural processes are contributing to those temperature changes at a greater rate today than in the past.

    Failure to take action now to lower atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases is likely to lead to more frequent and severe hurricanes in the future.

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