Paul's teacher sent a note home to his mother, saying :
"Paul seems to be a very bright boy,
but spends too much of his time thinking about girls. "
The mother wrote back the next day :
" If you find a solution, please advise.
I have the same problem with his father ! "
When I was young I used to pray for a bike,
then I realized that God doesn't work that way,
so I stole a bike and prayed for forgiveness.
joke 3
The police car, its siren blaring, raced in front of a speeding car and forced
it to stop.
A heavily built policeman got out and walked over.
Your name, please?. asked the policeman, taking out his notebook and pen.
Certainly, officer, replied the driver: "It's Horatio Xerxes Laertes Idomeneus
Aeneas Asclepius Iphicles Menoeceus Memnon Philoctetes Tyndareus Hylas..."
The policeman thought for a moment, then looked at his notebook, shook
his head and said: I'll just give you a warning this time, don't break the
speed limit again...