
Are those after school basketball programs in the inner city finally paying off?

by Guest57279  |  earlier

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JIMMY CARTER: " ...just knowing that this black boy who grew up with just a loving mother and -- and grandparents and that was about all he had to start with, has now had a chance to become the nominee of the Democratic Party for president."

To hear Uncle Jimmy tell it, Barack was little more than some inner city urchin who benefited from efforts such as his to raise the little black boy up out off of the street. Of course we know that's not true. We know that 'Tupak Barack' was solidly solidly upper middle class. But the AP and the main stream seems bound and determined to mold him into their social success story.




  1. It is a social success story.  It's not like his daddy was President before him.

  2. I love the part where he speaks of his mother coming from the plains of Kansas but omits the part about the family moving the ultra liberal Seattle where she spent her formative years and graduated from high school.  

    You are correct in saying Obama went to a private high school in Hawaii.  It was Punahou, located in Honolulu, is one of the island’s most prestigious private schools.  Obama has said he went there on a scholarship.

  3. Nope, Obama was brought up lower middle class to poor.  His mother was often on food stamps.

  4. wow~!

    i was watching the History Channel today, all the Old Timers they interviewed that were in the White-house at the time with Reagan said he wasn't very bright and really didn't know what he was doing~!

  5. Because their entire convention is based on from "Rags to Riches" stories.  Some of the scheduled speakers were upset because every speech had to be approved by the Obama camp and many speeches were completely revised so that they met the "Rags to Riches" criteria.  

    Here's an interesting article and why Obama is being portrayed as a poor little boy, virtually living a life of poverty who made it big.  He's trying to send a message that by voting for him, we can all live the 'DREAM'.  

    Pretty slick if you ask me, and they're buying into this nonsense.  Socialism is not the American dream!

  6. not for whites or any other race but blackis because look at the us nba players they are black

  7. Obama wasn't born rich, with a silver spoon in his mouth like George Bush or the son and grandson of admirals like McCain.  His background was a modest one and he has achieved quite a lot on his own.  

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