
Are those fish compatible for a 50 gallon tank?

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Would this be compatible in a 50 gallon tank?

-2x Platimun Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare).

-8x Spotted Fucata's (Pseudomugil gertrudae).

-2x L136b (Hypancistrus inspector).

OR replace the H. Inspectors by Three Pleco's:

-One Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus,

-One Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps,

-One Albino Pterygoplichthys pardalis.

*Until they outgrow, then I will give them to someone.*

So it's tank #1: Two Platinum Angelfish.

Eight Spotted Fucata's

Two H. Inspectors


Tank #2: Two Platinum Angelfish.

Eight Spotted Fucata's

Three Pleco's. (Until maturity).




  1. Why do you wish to get a fish that you know that yo will have to get rid of because it will out grow your tank? That means that there are other people with out grown fish and no where to put them. There ar3 plenty of "plecos" that do not get large. I love large fish but I will not buy them because I know that I would have a tough time finding a new home for them. Public aquariums; usually have plenty of the over grown fish in their tanks already so they do not want to take any more.  I would say that as long as you know someone that can tank care of them when they outgrow your tank then do not buy them.It is like people that buy Oscars and try to keep them in 10 gallon tanks, not a good thing for the fish.

  2. Either would work very well (nice choice on the Platinums), so it comes down to which you prefer.  I would go with tank one, simply because I can't stand giving away fish that I've "bonded" with, and as you realize, H. inspector is quite small.  If you want more of a variety in your Plecos, maybe try one H. inspector and one P. gibbiceps.

    EDIT: The Furcatas would be safe, as they are definitely fast enough to avoid the Angels, and will rarely dip into the middle area of the tank, especially if they feel secure near the surface (floating plants help).

  3. I have a P gibbiceps, a P. pardalis and 2 x P. joselimaianus in my 50 gal right now. The Gibby is outgrowing the tank and will get moved to a bigger one soon. The joselimainus and the pardalis seem to grow much slower and I dont believe they get as big. It may take years for them to outgrow a 50 gal.

    You may get some agression between them, but if they have grown up together it's usually not serious.

    I've never kept the fucatas, but I would be a bit concerned about small fish like that with adult angels.

    The plecos generally wont care about tankmates, and are pretty much invulnerable to all but the most agressive tankmates.

    What you will find though is the joselimaianus will be boss of the bottom of the tank, even if it's not the biggest.


    Edit:  The fish on your hand is a P. joselimaianus, they are my favourite too.

  4. I would go for tank 2.  But instead of 3 plecos, maybe you could have one of each Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus, Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps and a pleco.  That would be nice. Your tank is big enough for those fishes.  Well, it takes time before your pleco will grow huge.... I have 10 g tank complete with filter and heater, and i have 2 angel fishes, 3 dwarf gouramis, 1 pleco, 2 Albino Corydoras, 2 red phantom tetras, 2 red tailed black shark and a female betta... They all fit and my fishes do well.  They all survive in it.  But i'm plannig to upgrade it to a 20 gallon next month.

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