Would this be compatible in a 50 gallon tank?
-2x Platimun Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare).
-8x Spotted Fucata's (Pseudomugil gertrudae).
-2x L136b (Hypancistrus inspector).
OR replace the H. Inspectors by Three Pleco's:
-One Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus,
-One Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps,
-One Albino Pterygoplichthys pardalis.
*Until they outgrow, then I will give them to someone.*
So it's tank #1: Two Platinum Angelfish.
Eight Spotted Fucata's
Two H. Inspectors
Tank #2: Two Platinum Angelfish.
Eight Spotted Fucata's
Three Pleco's. (Until maturity).