
Are those of you who are psychic, wealthy?

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Are those of you who are psychic, wealthy?




  1. No there are no psychics

  2. I think "Are those of you who are wealthy, psychic?" is also a good question. Now how likely is it wealthy people would be open and helpful? I'm guessing they wouldn't be.

    Now as to if I'm psychic, I wouldn't say I am. I certainly wouldn't say that I have "powers" or "abilities". I did have one solid psychic experience, but I'm afraid it did not offer any money-making potential. I'm still a workingman.

  3. no, I'm  still a student taking psychology. I intend to have a normal career like everyone else while doing readings/my true passion and abilities on th eside. I do so many more free readings than I docharged. I someday hope to make a lot of money so that I can either A) Adopt a child from another country or B) Open up up a No Kill shelter for animals, b.c we don't have one in my city.

    So I suppose I'd never be 'wealthy' if I always needed to give it to some other plan, idea, or passion.

    As for the LOTTO numbers-mediums and psychics alike, can't predict those for people b.c we all have a life chart with certain lessons/a life destiny to go through. There are certain ppl predestined to win, and God and the spirits won't mess with that. They have rules/laws to follow as well, and God would never cheat someone out of their destiny-hard or easy.

  4. No because the true psychics know the gift is to be shared to help people .  If you use it for financial gain you run the risk of losing it.  And I am sorry but there is not enough money in the world for me to risk losing the ability to communicate with my father and the others I love that are in Heaven.

  5. Psychics are frauds. If they had the abilities they claim, they could be rich from picking lottery numbers, winners of horse races, rising stocks in that market, etc. They wouldn't' have to swindle gullible people to make money.

  6. nope lol

    even if i did know lottery numbers, i wuldnt take part in it, because i think its kinda cheating lol

  7. Hello



  8. reading some of these replies, it saddens me greatly to see how much judge each other, that we judge each other so harshly. The frauds are the ones who make the news. Like how if you judge the entire world by the news, you'll think we're going to h**l in a handbasket. Because good news isn't exciting. Nor are stories about good psychics. Peole don't complain about the good ones, and the good ones don't advertise the way the frauds do. So people assume that ALL psychics are frauds, when that's no more true then saying the entire world and every one in it is pure evil. Or how one person of a certain race does something bad and people automatically apply the rule to EVERY person of that race, despite that it was just one or two individuals. Same goes here. Judge not lest ye be judged.

    No, I'm not wealthy, and I never will be. Because I cannot charge someone for something I got naturally. Now this is where I DO get religious, because I quote the bible here. Jesus said to his desciples, "You received without pay, now give without pay." That's what I believe.

    People who are naturallly good at math, can go and make a career out of it. People who are good with computers, can go and make a billion dollars. So would I love to be able to make a living off of something I can do? Yes, I would. But I never will, because it just doesn't feel right.

  9. I don't think so.  

  10. No, I'm not wealthy either.  In fact, as a single mom I struggle a LOT.  But as someone who only uses what she was given for the good, I believe that "what comes around goes around"/karma/get what you give is true.  And no, I'm horrible at picking lottery numbers!

  11. im poor =(

    only sylvia brown is rich she goes on MONTEL WILLIAMS SHOW...

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