
Are thoughts based on looks?

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thanks blondie.




  1. You have got to be a blonde or really slow!

  2. Iam going to assume that you mean "judgements" when you say thoughts and "impression" when you say looks....

    With that, its been psychologically proven through numerous tests that "prettier" or more "attractive" people are more appealing to an on looker. Although because society has made such a steroetypical image in our minds of what "pretty" is, this creates a bit of confusion and at times some offensive remarks when this question arises.  So this "attractive" and "unattractive" terminologyu is different for everyone, just want to get that clear.  

    So, moving on... an experiment was conducted on infants with very attractive people smiling and greeting a child and then on the flip side with average people and not "attractive" people meeting and greeting a child.  It was proven through this experiment that the majority of the time an infant would respond with a giggle or smile to a "attractive" person and not the same caliber of response to a "less attractive" person who had smiled and greeted the child.  As adults, we are ALL guilty of judging others through first impressions.  Its often that you will find books on how to "present" yourself and how to "make a good first impression".  So - the answer to your question is yes, thoughts ARE based on looks. Whether you see an "ugly" person or an "attractive" person, your mind will create some type of thought. What those are, well...thats a whole other topic. You create what goes in which in turn results in what comes out.

    Hopefully I interpreted your questions correctly : 0)


    Not if I had previously created an image in my mind and had a thorough understanding of that person and their personality/intention etc - So in most cases no, my thoughts wouldnt change.  Depends  as well on the level of relationship that you have created with that person.

  3. even if people wont admit it i feel its true

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