
Are ticks attracted to certain colours?

by  |  earlier

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Black in particular...




  1. No, only to carbon dioxide. they could be dormant months and the first wiff of the carbon dioxide will get them going. dont want ticks, try not to breathe in the woods! JK JK.

  2. they arent 'attracted' to any thing... they are kinda unique critters... they will position themselves on brush or grass or some other opertunistic vegitation and wave the apendages on one side of there bodys out from the edge and just wate for days  or weeks or even months for some animal to come along and brush up against there position.

      Half there legs are holding on to there perch, and the other legs are  .. aa...  mm...   the other legs just hang out there...  waiting on something to brush against them..


      AND ... it is true... a tick can survive for years with out food or water...  no fooling.

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