
Are tinted windows worth the money?

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I want to get the windows on my car tinted but everywhere I call says it will cost 225 to 250 bucks. Are tinted windows really worth that much money?




  1. It depends, do you enjoy keeping your car cooler in the summer? Do you like the look of the darker windows? Are they legal in your state, or more importantly, do you care if they are legal or not?

    I have had tinted windows on every car I've had, and I will continue to have tinted windows on every car I buy. There is a very noticeable difference of temperatures inside.

    I have a tint that is one step darker than what is legal in my state, and have never had a problem from any cops. Then again, I don't drive a flashy car and I don't draw attention to myself.

    If you use a window shade, I'm sure you notice the difference it makes. Tinted windows are like having window shades on all your windows.

    The down side is reduced visibility at night. I have adapted to this, I don't think its a problem at all, but some people might.

    All in all, I think it is a very worth while investment.

  2. I think it's worth it. The tint blocks out the UV rays. Helps keep your car cooler.

  3. I think it is because it keeps the inside of the car cooler and it looks really good

  4. It's worth it if you want tinted

    Maybe you just don't want them bad enough?

  5. only if you like the looks as really they don't do a whole lot.

  6. It should be noted that glass is opaque to UV radiation.

    I, personally, don't think tints are worth it because they give the police another excuse to pull you over and give you a meaningless ticket, but they can prevent people from seeing into your car and, if they're dark enough, they will make it take longer for your car to become unbearably hot in the summer.

    From the sound of it $250 is worth more to you than tinted windows at the moment. Maybe one day when you're rich and $250 isn't worth as much you should get tints.

  7. Worth for what?

    I like the fact that is make the car interior cooler (and the AC runs lighter) and the car looks better.  That is worth it for me.  For my brother it is not.

    Different folk...

    Good Luck....

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