
Are toads worth buying?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting a toad I think but first are they fun I mean are they worth buying or are they no fun?

It's an american toad by the way

come on i'll give ten points to everyone who answers.




  1. you should tottaly get it a gf or bf

    then u can have baby toads


  2. They're not really "fun", they don't play or anything. I like them, but I don't think you would.

  3. you could make him a little house and hats and hair to wear and mabye get him a girlfriend ha ha

  4. I wouldn't call them animals  you would call fun..if it's a reptile or amphibian you want  that you can take out sometimes and bring it outside  on a nice day, I'd say a turtle or tortoise. they are fun, but reaserch them first.

  5. Hm... many toads are dangerous, and I find many in the grass.  So I don't think they're worth buying.

  6. I have two Asian Fire Belly Toads.  I love my little toadies, but I wouldn't really consider them "fun."  They try to climb the sides of their tank which amuses me, and climb all over one another (playing LeapToad) but that it.  Otherwise they are sitting on the land or floating in the water.  I do take them outside in the summer and let them hop around in the grass, although of course you have to keep a very close eye on them... they are tiny and blend in with the grass.  That's about all they do.  Easy to maintain though, drop in some crickets about once a week and clean their tank as needed.

  7. noooooooo

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