
Are today's teen becoming shallow, corrupt, and un-moral?

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i'm 18 and for my age I think differently than most teens, nowadays teens in middle school, high school and college are really shallow. A lot of girls get pregnant at an early age, both genders lose their virginity really early, and girls seem to only like guys who look good, is the age of characteristics and personality over? i've noticed that alot of people have artificial love, it's all about lust and not love, saying "I love you" is nothing more than a compliment to get someone in the bed, kids are more worried about what's gonna happen on their favorite reality show than what's gonna happen in the field of science or politics etc. A lot of the influence is TV and music, it seems that that pop culture influences young teens to be shallow and only care about glamour. I've seen girls go for the stud instead of the good hearted guy and end up getting abused by the one they chose. Are teens now so obssesed with physical beauty and fads that they forget about morals? or is it a phase

2 months ago




  1. im 17 : ) im so glad there are more teenagers who feel like i do : )... at 17 i can be a bit more independent, but when i was younger.. 14... school was so difficult because of the people around me : ( and its because of everything you sayed... yes they are heartless animals in general.. but hidden in the back grounds.. are nice people...mature teens... =D    ps... dana s... up there ^... is a SL*T

  2. well ya, cause who would want to go out with someone ugly??????????? and teenage girls want to fit in and if tat guy isn't popular the girl doesn't want her rep. to go down just for a guy so they go with looks, to fit in the crowd!  

  3. It is a phase based upon society's reflection of that age.

    I think that as they get older they will shed a lot of these romantic ideals, but only because society illustrates adult relationships in a more appropriate light. Individuals now are very dependent on stereotypes and what the media tells them they should be.  

  4. Wow I thought I was the only teenager in the world who thought this was but apparentley not. I know it scares me how mindless people my age are. Its like they think they're in love, they have s*x and think of it as an action and don't understand the immoriality they're practicing, some of these teenage girls especially have absouluteley no respect for themselves. They think fitting in in putting themselves out there, and going for the good looking guys no matter how much of an a**hole he is. They let guys treat them like garbage and so on.. This whole genertaion is changing and it scares me that I'm only 16 and I realize this.. Its so hard having friends my age because I feel like they have so much more to learn and they are so ignorant! I think this is the new genertaion, and sadly, it's just going to get worse. Its influenced by television, and music, teenagers thrive to feel older and have a sense of control the more time goes by the more younger kids start acting as such. I don't think there's a solution.. =/  

  5. A "star" for you. You have touched on my favourite subject lol. I could be on here for hours typing away about what is "wrong" with today's young people, but I am too old, cynical and twisted to subject you or anyone else to a diatribe. Suffice to say that I believe we get the young we deserve. Most parents love and adore their children, and simply want the best for them but have an uphill struggle against all the interference from governments and the media. Never have our young people been so informed, so "grown up" and aware of everything from HIV to the "morning after" pill, never have very young girls measured their waists, or been sooo concerned about fame and fortune. Never have our young men set sooo much store about having the best car or the highest paying job, the "best" looking girl on their arm. The whole ethos has been deliberately engineered, it is not a "phase" , parental responsibility has been undermined for decades, "power " has been given to the young because they are more easily influenced, you have to be kind to the calf to achieve acquiescence from the cow.

    I am so gratified that you are "bucking" the system, morals are what separates man from the beast,  the very same beast that politics would have you believe in. Power to you, you have my admiration and respect. x

  6. Yeah I agree, its really stupid.

    Im a teenager, but not like that, cuz I realize that stuff is only for idiots.

    But I think media has alot to do with it. =]

  7. It's is not just a problem of teens, but all people. Very few people try to be moral.

  8. i know this for a fact. I am 15 and i have a girlfriend for over a year and i still have my virginity and i am planing on keeping. you see what i also see in teens. it is not hard to be good

  9. As a teen (15) I agree. I am one of the few with morals and I've noticed everything you mentioned. However, the way the youth behaves is indicative of the older generation's behavior. We copy what we see adults doing.

  10. well i to em completely opposite from most people my age.Yes They are shallow....and absolutely no morals.I often feel alone when it comes to morals. I believe its the media is to blame for!!!!!

  11. Many girls in my school are like that. I'm sure shows like "Gossip Girl" can't help the teenage demographic become any less shallow. There are always going to be people like that though, but in this day and age it is becoming more and more frequent to see these type of people. Although there are many girls in my school who are shallow and immoral there are a good amount who resist the trend.I find it is better to ignore people who are like that. Best wishes.

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