
Are today's young people getting out of control?

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Are today's young people getting out of control?




  1. nope

  2. yes absolutely... drugs, s*x, alcohol, but no real responsibility... basically they are having all the fun of being adults without the baggage, and apparently without the consequences, which will make them even worse.

  3. as a young person, i say no, but they are getting more "needy" and selfish. it really scares me that 7th and 8th graders at my school get drunk every weekend and have already lost their virginity!! i am waiting til i get a little older.

  4. Yes.

    And what's really messed up is that kids do so many terrible things because they know that they'll usually just get away with it with a "slap on the wrist", and many times, they are correct.

    Corporal Punishment is against the law?



    To Military Mom:

    I see what you're saying, but you need to remember that juvenile behavior is getting worse and worse with each generation.

    For example,take the EVIL Florida teens who beat the snot out of Victoria Lindsay while filming it with the intention of posting the beating on Youtube (if you don't know about this, then Google it).

    I don't know. I just think that we have to take issues like this a little more seriously nowadays as opposed to twenty or thirty years ago.

  5. I feel that teens are the same. But, the big difference with this generation is that they start rebelling in early teens or preteens.  

  6. I have to laugh a little to myself when i see ppl saying "YES" to this question.

    Think back to the 60s w/the free love, legal drugs etc. every generation has had it's "wild times"

    kids will ALWAYS challenge authority. will ALWAYS rebel. some more so than others. we are a lot more focused on it in this day and age because we can see the damage it can cause when it has no end, no discipline, no structure.

    it's not whether or not the kids are out of control, kids have always tested the limits of their's whether the adults in their lives are DOING anything about it today.



    I have children. So I get it. okie dokie? and i know about that poor girl.

    the teens that did that to her...had NO discipline. NO structure in their lives. they had parents that allowed them to be void of any consequences for ANY actions good or bad. one girl wasn't even raised by her parents..but by her grandmother. the mother of course jumped up on TV for her 15 mins of fame shouting that her daughter was not in the wrong, even after viewing that tape of the beating.

    those girls were allowed to view things, and behave in certain ways w/out any repercussion of their actions. that's disgusting!

    my son once, picked on a boy when he was in 2nd grade. we had a huge discussion w/our son about what it's like to make someone else feel like c**p. what it's like to be hurt, and picked on. he was then made to publicly apologize to the child and write a letter of apology to his teacher and his principal. and he got his butt whooped, and was grounded to his room every day after school for 4 weeks.

    and i was criticized for that by some parents! can you believe that? i was told i was being "too mean" to my child. my child who thought it was a good idea to pick on and hit another child! are you FLIPPING kidding me? parents are not doing their job today...but let's just keep blaming the "bad apples".

    what message does that send them? we have a country full of parents that let TV, pop culture and internet raise their babies.

    then we scream...the kid has a s***w lose!

    sure there are a very rotten apples on every tree. but the NUMBERS of those rotten apples is growing...something is wrong w/that picture. something HUGE!

    the maturity and growth of a child and their character starts at home. children ape their parents. if their parents are primetime TV..guess what happens?

    i suppose my answer wasn't as "detailed" as it needed to be.

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