
Are tornadic storms peculiar to the North American continent, or do they plague other areas, too?

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I don't ever recall hearing about European or Chinese cyclones of the funnel type. Monsoons, and typhoons, but not tornadoes!




  1. they occur around the world.

    but something like 90% of them occur in tornado alley.

    because of the geography, with the rocky mountains sheparding cold air down from the north, and hot wet air up from the Caribbean.

  2. I believe tornadoes have occurred everywhere except Antarctica.

  3. Tornadoes are much more frequent in the U.S. than they are most other places, but they certainly happen in other places. In fact, tornadoes occur on every continent except Antarctica. In 2006, a tornado hit London, injuring 6 people. In 1984, a Russian tonado killed more than 400 people. Some of the dealiest tornadoes recorded occurred in Bangledesh, half way around the world, and they are not uncommon in parts of India.

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