
Are tornados,thunderstorms and hurricanes getting stronger and more frequent?

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Are tornados,thunderstorms and hurricanes getting stronger and more frequent?




  1. They seem to be...I was in Hurricane Katrina and it was very powerful...

  2. most definatly.  like hurricanes.  they always are happening, but they keep getting stronger because swamps are getting taken down and such, causing the hurricanes to have more of a direct hit to land used by people.

  3. No not at all. they are the same and consistent with weather patterns that have been being tracked over the last century. Technology is getting better and can show more. that is all.

  4. We havent had a hurricane this year, but yes we are getting more and more weather problems. Actually, we got a tornado a few weeks back that would have never been expected in our part of the state. We are going through a strange weather pattern that happens every 7 years.

  5. Yes! Its definitely seems that way....

  6. here in ct they are

  7. yes this is due to global warming. just google global warming and it explains everything

  8. yes, just look at the number of reported tornados this year compared to the last five years.

  9. see, because of global warming, global warming causes the earth to heat up, so if the atmosphere is warm thats bad becase a hurricane uses damp moist warm water to get stronger, same as tornados!!!

  10. totally!!!!!!!!!

  11. The answer to your question depends in the context you are referring to.  On a world wide scale, storms have a way of staying relatively the same in number and intensity.  However, there will be short-term changes in the weather, just like there are seasonal changes in the temperatures, etc.  Considering the world has been around and going through storms for 1000's of years, and man has only been studying and keeping track of the weather for a few 100 years.  That's really not enough time on the grand scale of things to make an accurate prediction about long term weather changes.

  12. Nope, just better technology and more doppler radars.


    here you will see why its all happening and its not global warming

  14. Yes.

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