
Are tornados occuring more often recently or am i just noticing it more because we had one in our area?

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I feel like every night there is a new tornado. Has it always been this way or do i just see it more now that one has hit near me? My dh says it is always like this, but i don't recall ever hearing so much about tornados? is it the same where you are or maybe my local news is just airing it more because one was here recently. What do you think, am i being paranoid?




  1. With all the palaver regarding Global Warming, people are seeing things that are not.  These storms are normal as are the outbreaks.  If you live in one these areas,  you might feel it is unusually active or severe, when in fact,  in previous years you experienced you had less severe weather.

  2. I think you're being smart and safe by paying attention- this is the most freakish weather c**p I've ever experienced- I have no idea why there's so many of them and so much extreme weather!

  3. In the midwest and other places they are very common, You need a ready kit with water and food so you wil have noting to worry about. Go on with your life. You can't control it so just prepare for it  know it''s not a matter of if but when, Don't let this run your life.

  4. Tornadoes often occur in the Midwest of the United States of America from the Texas Gulf Coastal Plain to South Dakota and South Texas to Florida.  If you are not in these areas, most likely, it does occur in your place but not so often.  Tornadoes are active during spring somuchso that spring is sometimes called Tornado Season. You are not being paranoid, you are just having a tornado phobia.  My advice is, if there is a tornado coming up, just seek shelter in the basement or interior portion of a building/house, like closet, bathroom or interior hallway and of course bring some food and water.  If caught outside, lie flat in a ditch and cover your head for protection against flying debris.  You cannot avoid tornadoes, but at least you can lessen its impact on you.  I hope these advice can help you a little of what you feel right now.

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