
Are tourists better tippers at restaurants than locals?

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My girlfriend is considering re-entering the food service industry, and we live in a fairly touristy town (Charleston, SC). I was curious to hear from waitstaff who have worked in both touristy places and non-touristy places about the tipping habits of both groups of consumers. And yes, I do realize it varies by the nature/location/time of day/etc. of the establishment. I'm not looking for a concrete answer, just opinions from people who have worked in the industry.




  1. No they probably wont be coming back and they may be on a budget if they are on a big trip. But she should be nice to them regardless. Also they may be loaded who knows. I always leave a 25% tip at leats unless the service was really bad.

  2. New Yorkers are. because everything is soo expensive in NYC, when thayt go to Florida and get a meal for 5 dol thay are soo happy , that they don't leave just 15 % of the bill, they leave $ 5 dol.

  3. no,because they will probably never see you again,where as the local will probably be back ,or they already know you and you know them.the best tips come from people you know,and who like you.

  4. yea its there first time they want to make a good expresion

  5. Restaurants in hotels and near hotels/motels will get better tips from tourists but your average restaurant (I worked at CDB Pizza many years ago when they were a popular restaurant chain) will see the same amount of tips from both tourists and local regulars (this includes bars also).

  6. well i would have to say that there is no correlation between tourist and non tourist (or out of towners as sumter sc has no tourist). people just know how to tip or dont know how to tip. i would have to say the biggest factor is how nice the town you live in. usually the higher class cities have better tippers, so i would geuss that charleston would be great. JMHO

  7. This is coming from a server at a higher- end restaurant in the Orlando, Fl area. I work a little outside of the "Disney" area, so we don't get too many tourists...but you do know when you get them.

    The stereotypical tourist does not tip very well. When the acceptable range is thought to be 15- 20%, tourists usually tip 10-15%. We blame this somewhat on the fact that they will not be returning to our establishment. Also, those from overseas are also notorisously lously tippers. In fact, some restaurants closer to the heart of the tourist community include an automatic gratuity. My restaurant includes this on parties of 5 or more.

    All that being said, if I give someone perfect service,I expect a minium of 20%. In the long run, I average about 20%. Some people tip less, some more. But remember, I have been working for this resturant since highschool...I am now 23. (And will happily be stopping in 1 1/5 years!!!)

    A final word...I think it greatly depends more on the type of place you work, than the location. My restaurant does not overstaff, so we are all able to make the money we need. To get personal, our rule is $100 for the night and you can't complain.

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