
Are truck drivers going to strike? when?

by  |  earlier

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why can we not all stick together as us citizens and show washington that we are "united" states - show them that we can't continue to survive with the economy as it is today - diesel prices are climbing so high that it is causing everything to go up across the board. diesel takes less refinement than gasoline yet it is more expensive - why?? because the oil companies are being allowed to gouge the citizens of the "united" states. be "united" stand together - form a strike to show the government that we mean business - we want them to help us to lower the fuel prices so that the cost of living will come back down to some type of normalcy.




  1. Never will happen. Bush and his boys will find a way to put you in jail. Bush and the oil boys just don't care about you, all they care about is money, money, money, the more, the better.

  2. today is Tuesday 04/01/08 and as a trucker / owneroperator I have shut my truck down in support of the strike , change starts from the bottom and we need to stand up and make our vioces heard , the hi fuel prices hurt every one , and when I think about myself and coworkers being hurt by the hi prices I also think of all who need fuel / gas to run thier bussniess , from the farmers who arent able to charge extra for thier products . my newspaper delevery person who gets nothing extra to offset thier cost for gas

  3. Trucker's strike has been CB & truck stop gossip for over 30yrs.  If we want to get Washington's attention, drivers need to slow down to 65mph, run legal, & contact their legislators.  We can reduce fuel consumption, prevent tickets (aka revenue for the government) & driver customers crazy.  Most legislators can pay someone else to put up with traffic, etc while they can make phone calls, schmooze with donors, etc.  They don't realize what is happening unless they get bombarded with phone calls, emails, faxes, etc.

    As for diesel fuel, blame the oil companies, EPA, environmentalists, speculators, & your neighbors for not wanting to expand refineries or drill for more oil.  We have to run ultra low sulfur in 2007 or later engines.  Oil companies have to take the extra sulfur out & that increases the cost.

    If you are an owner-operator, run your business at its absolute best with freight rates & fuel surcharge above what is necessary for your bottom like. Get customers direct, not from load brokers.  Shop around for the best prices.  If you are a company driver, slow it down & do your best to reduce operating costs for your company.  We lived high on the hog for way too long & now we have to weather the storm.  Striking will not help drivers out because we have to make the motoring public realize what is going on.  As long as they have clothes & food in the stores & supplies at their work, they are oblivious to our plight.  Glenn Beck, CNN, & others are starting to tell our tale.    .  .

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