
Are u a dominant / garang woman?

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And what's something good about garang/dominant woman?

I am =)

But Jedi, i can be a hot lover too. And should be enlightened, im loyal compared to manja2 punya woman.




  1. Im real life, sometime im garang and ganas in internet but in real life im lembik  (huhu sedih)

  2. It depends on whom I am with. Sometimes I am "ROARRRR!!!" sometimes I am "meow...".

  3. i'm dominant only with my others i'm gentle as the cat...hehehee

  4. err.. im a guy..

    PEACE =D

  5. like garang woman....hahahahaha

  6. My gf is garang ... even my friends scared of her ... i don't think it's very good but ... i like her that way ... independent~

  7. ^

    hey..i like this Q!

    according to a particular yammer, im a garang and dominant woman..

    according to my hubby, im as gentle & tame as a kitty..

    however he likes some d********x role played upon him sometimes..hehehe

    well,i dont deny i always express what's on my mind whether good or bad..

    surely being an independent woman is not against the law right?

    typical male chauvinists would be intimidated and scared off....

    but real gentlemen have the ability to look beyond the so called "garang-ness" exterior to find the woman can actually be a fun, tender & loving companion...

    like Adi S mentioned..btw, thumbs up to you dude!

  8. yes...........I'm......

    oopsi,I'm not a woman.

  9. I like this question - and the info herein.

    Jedi - Garang/dominant women are most likely Hot lovers. The question is whether or not you can take it.  

  10. SORRY, in the first place for joining other yammer guys to answer your question since your Q is directing at woman only..

    I like garang punya women in the sense of being more independent, can make their own decision, especially when their guys are not around. However, I dont like making general conclusion too as I believe not all garang women are like that, minority of them still need guys is sertain extent too I am sure.

  11. I am really the dominant type and i am lucky that my husband has a more dominant personality, otherwise he would be a hen-pecked husband by now, lol!

    I truly respect and kinda love all men who like dominant type women.  These men must be successful and highly confident in their masculinity since they don't get intimidated by the aforementioned kind of women.

    My oft-repeated rejoinder for men who dislike dominant type women, of which sapien is an example, they are insecure in their masculinity, rather unsuccessful and have not achieved much to be proud of.  Otherwise, why should they hate women who speak their minds?  Sad but true.


    lol!  sapien, you are not very intelligent are you? *sigh*

  12. garang woman won't bully by guy!

    guy scared of them so they won't been rape!

    Hidden Q

  13. garang women got its advantage that is she can control u and jaga u  well

  14. Not me.

    I'm easy going most times, but with tendency to become emotional.

    But that doesn't mean that I'd tolerate being stepped all over. Just that I don't explode easily.


    Don't know about garang women being hot lovers, but I can say not all dominant men are hot lovers.

  15. Yes, that would be totally me!

    This is a tough world. Survival of the fittest.

    As a dominant woman, I am decisive, independant, single-minded and adamant.

    I'm expecting everything according to my standard.

    Perfectionist, I should say.

    And yes, I'm 'garang' with my kids to, to make sure they understand the rule and clear cut is to obey my command.

    If they can't take the hard discipline routines, they can't face the tough and cruel world outside later.

    I shower my family with all the love in the world but I protect them

    with all the power in the world.

  16. ...i am not a woman okiess,,,to gindy wahahahahaha...thanks for the proposal....tapi if u propose to me mas kahwin RM1M....

    ..okay jokes aside....

    ...nak share ngan uols somethg...

    ...i cannot resist garang woman....they are good for the family if u know how to handle and "make use" of them...

    1)they are so expressive and explosive...they make life so interesting and it shows in watever they do...especially untuk kebahgian rumah tangga..hehe...

    2)they are strict with children...tat i dont have to think at all how to handle my kids....i smoke but none of my sons dare to...coz they scared their mum will kill them

    3)they are verbose and endless with ideas so much i dont have to crack my brains on how to solve family policy is in the house she rules...outside i rule...

    4)they are i dont have to evryday listen to laments and sighs of her werk problem..wat i listened are the way she lambast and hantam her boss and colleagues..."tough woman to crack"....

    5)they are so easy to "fool"...wawawwwaa...tis is my secret....challenge them...and b4 i know it i get her to cook wat i saw in the cookbook...wawawawawawa

  17. to chekedee really in that case can you become my awek

    i love woman that is garang and dominant on katil it give me pleasure. But garang/dominant woman usually  suffer depression, and they think they can become a man but it will backfired themself because they body especially they emotion are not build to handle massive pressure  


    i think yuan2 married a sissy guy that is why she is able to be more dominant than her husband. pity her husband

  18. I don't think I am... hang on I'll just check in the mirror

  19. I am garang in real life..hehe..but in the same 'package', i've been installed with 'baik hati'(lah sangat), helpful and sensitive with other's needs.. =p

    I think the good thing about being a garang dominant woman is, i always KNOW what i want, i can be a reliable 'co-pilot' and independent..fragile no more.

  20. Hello dear, this is an interesting question :)

    It's a good aspect of a woman's characteristic to possess such qualities and to use where situations deem necessary.  But of course, being garang and domineering are not 'standalone qualities', and that it is accompanied with all other respectable and positive values as well :)

    So that's what makes every woman unique & special in her own ways :)  Muahhhh!!!


  21. Yeah..i am..i can be your tiger & i can be a kitten too.!

  22. I like garang women because they look confident(and are!) and very independent.But what I hope from them is to be nice to me,that is all.

  23. i m neutral until people p**s me off..

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