
Are u a good driver?

by  |  earlier

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Are u a good driver?




  1. I think  I am average

  2. At the moment no...but im still learning.

    Is it that bad to run over pigeons?

  3. I believe i am, I passed at 17 and am now 31 dont have a point on my licence nor an accident. I am considerate to other road users and would sooner pull over to let the mad stupid little boy racers that tailgate within 2 inches of your bumper to get past. Or the ones that expect you to race because you have a powerful car. I always drive safe because i  have my boys in the car ( my dog and partner ) THE OVERTAKER MEETS THE UNDERTAKER..... h**l IS JUST ROUND THE CORNER. Thats what i always say when i see stupid drivers....

  4. The best drivers are the ones who are just about to take the driving test. They do everything correctly. Signal to tell people what they are doing, keep safe distances, have good lane disipline, don't drive too slow, dont drive too fast.

    The worst drivers are the one who have just passed their test as everything is 'chucked out the window' closely followed by everyone else on the road especially the people who say they are a good drivers

    So no I'm a c**p driver!!

  5. Yes, I dont speed, I leave early for work and I dont get upset with the way that everyone else drivers, life is just too short.................

  6. If good is safe- then yes, i am a very safe driver, very conscientious though some would say i am too slow.

  7. I'm better than some of the clowns on the road

  8. I'll be totally honest and say I think not. I have a anxiety disorder and ride the brakes, which makes people very angry and I don't even blame them. So I drive very little now, even though I have a nice car.

  9. No. An adequate one for most needs perhaps.

    Anybody who thinks they're a good driver probably isn't good in all situations.

  10. it took me 4 attempts to pass...... you do the math! xx

  11. no!  move over slowcoach

  12. I'd like to think so

    I passed the institute of advanced motorists

    test back in 1978

    If you're in the UK

    why not contact your IAM group

  13. Yes, I am an excellent driver and rider.

  14. no i'm a c**p driver but I try

  15. Yes got a wkd very big sports car as well!

  16. Maybe, I dont speed anymore after my heinous accident which resulted in the death of 5 people.

  17. I'd like to think so, as it is my job to drive lorries

  18. Yes, I am responsible as I can be. Safety is the first thoughts for me, followed by the fact that I can't afford, nor desire to pay traffic fines. I value my privledge to drive, so I respect the road rules & I don't take my licence for granted, I cannot survive my daily routine without my own car. People who deliberatley break the laws on our roads deserve to get caught, the rules are there to protect everyone & everything from possible harm & fines & penalties are consequences to deter wrong behaviour. We all make mistakes & that's how road accidents happen, but how far would accident statistics drop down if everyone involved in these accidents had actually been following the road rules at the time & it was just an 'accident'? There's a lot of different contributing factors to each accident that happens, but apart from driver error/judgement, how many 'accidents' are 'caused' due to drivers disobeying the road rules by speeding, being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, ignoring road signs & other rules, unworthy vehicles, unliscensed drivers etc.etc. So, yes, I'm a good driver because I don't want to be a statistic.

  19. ofcourse yes ,,

    more over i dont even have a lisence and i have been driving from the past 3 years

  20. yes.

  21. no im to younge to drive

  22. yes

  23. I thought I was until I totaled my car....LOL

    Now I find myself driving like a may change over time....but not as of yet
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