
Are u a romantic or a realistic?

by  |  earlier

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1) ur in love with the man of your life but ur both poor and he is just a regular working man.

2) ur married to a rich man but you don't love him might even dislike him

think about it and be honest champaign and jets and Versace or a passionate man with infinite love.




  1. i'd say realistic =/

  2. I think 90% women think they lived in the movie

    The Notebook!  

  3. Women should go for nice rich men so they get material and emotional spoiling.

  4. 1. Being married the first time and not being in love sucked big time. I am now married and very much in love. We are not rich. We are not poor. We are middle class but we all know that's shrinking. I don't care about jets or Versace. That lifestyle is overrated and most of those people are so bored out of their minds they are always looking for the next new and better thing. Sad! Give me passion anytime.

    P.S. I do live the movie the notebook without the Alzheimer's.. but I'm young yet.. who knows what the future will hold.. and I can safely say if it's either me or my husband who can't remember the other.. the one left behind forgotten would surely die too. It's that simple. When you love this deeply.. your life is The Notebook! Sorry to burst your bubble. You haven't found it yet!

  5. Romantic...probably too much

    Answer mine:

  6. realistic cuz those guys are ok w l*****g the sidewalk and the 'romantic' guy would not dare touch the sidewlk w thier bare feet!

  7. I'm a realist and a realist would go with scenario #1 because why would you force yourself to love someone over money.

  8. I'm pretty realistic, but I definitely prefer the first option over a man I don't love.  

    I was with the man yesterday but unfortunately my lack of being extremely romantic has made him dislike me.  I don't say sweet things.  I don't like to flatter people a lot and I'm never really in the mood to talk sweet or anything.  Guess that's my flaw.  -_-  

  9. One, because I just learned, money cannot buy happiness.

    And plus, if you're married to number two, think of the kids. Do you think they'll enjoy watching you fake your love for their dad?

  10. Well first lets take the money and the job out of the equation. It is possible to be in love with the person of your dreams wether you are rich or poor. It doesnt matter if you are a farmer, a doctor, or a college student or simply out of work at the moment. You can find true love no matter what your money situation is. Maybe some will say I am just a romantic. Perhaps those people do not believe in true love because they have not experienced true love. Well it does exist and it is possible to be happy, very happy with the woman/man of your dreams 24/7 no matter if you are rich or poor. Two people hopelessly in love are never "poor". Being "poor" has nothing to do with money in my opinion. being poor is a state of mind. Its how you see yourself, its what you make of your situation. I have know people in my life who make 6 figures and are not happy. They make a lot of cash but live in debt. They are depressed and do not have a good marriage or a good life. On the other hand I have known people who did not make much money at all but were always smiling and laughinng. They were very much in love and always active. They didnt have a lot of fancy things or a nice house but they always found a way to go out on dates with one another and had the time of their lives. So basically Yes I am a romantic. I dont think it matters how much money you have. Outside appearances can be ver deceiving. It's what you make of your situation.  

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