
Are u emotional or do u have a heart of rock? ur sun/moon/rising?

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so tell me... are u???

and what is your sun/moon/rising

and most importantly, how often do you cry?

thnk you

cancer w/ aries rising

i have nothing better to do, ill go first: yes. emotional, but i DO NOT show it. i can't even remember the last time i cried.




  1. I was very emotional with my first Gf. After she broke my heart I learned the hard way to not be so emotionable.

    So now I'm more mature and know how to control my emotions, sometimes i hide it and let it all out when I'm alone.

    I have a little bit of Heart of Gold now. lol not Rock. But If my Gf likes me to be emotionable, then I can be emotionable. BTW I have no GF. I'm also in the Military and have 49 weeks of training starting next month so ummm.... no need for a gf now.

    I am! I am Aries!

    Aries Sun, Aries Moon, Virgo Rising (my soft side)

  2. When I'm working, studying or taking a quiz, I'm like a Terminator where I show no expression whatsoever unless I'm working with someone. I'm dead serious then.

    For play, I can be really emotional. I talk so silly when I'm with others and when I don't need to focus. I'm always in a pleasant mood but I always show my concern when my friends have trouble.

    Yeah, I cry. I always take time to cry at least once a week. Can't let sadness bottle up inside us. Check out these vids, they made me cry at least once. Honest!

    Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon. Taurus Rising. Aries Mars.

  3. i cry once a month :[

    im like u! emotional but dnt show it!

    aquarius w/ leo rising & pisces moon

  4. I'm geminii


    Rising- cancer

    I'm definetely emotional I cry a lot like a hot retarded dudee.

    No seriously yea, i can be so pathetic sometime but crazy in certain times.  

  5. During when I was very depressed for two years I would cry and cry everyday the entire day, then when I'd stop crying, I'd all of a sudden get mad, then after that cry again. I had a lot of crying spells and would get sad over the smallest things, was over paranoid of anything, even things that didn't exist in reality but only in my head.

    Now though nothing really ever bothers me. I'm more mentally stable now. As for how often I cry, I don't really cry much now, for as long as I can I will try to hold it, maybe after a couple months or a long time of holding it in it just comes out. Then I end up crying in bed before I go to sleep silently. I have never worn my heart out on my shoulders, nor ever shared anyone my emotions.

  6. uhh im not sure what you mean by sun moon rising stuff but im a capricorn...and im not emotional but i dont have a heart of stone

  7. VERY emotional. Can be tough a lot of times because im male. I pretty much only act on emotion and what I feel.

    My chart is pretty much dominated by Water and Fire.

    Cancer Sun/Pisces Moon/Scorpio Rising  

  8. totally depends on what i have to do.impossible to answer this question on a keyboard.

  9. I too have a fear of showing emotions in front of people and honestly I don't even think I have the ability to cry anymore. I've had friends that said "I dont know how I would react if I saw you cry". sad isn't it? Once you go thru so much at an early age it just kinda makes you hard and bitter, it makes you grow up faster and look at the world with a chip on your shoulder. It's my cap moon, but the bad thing is ppl think I'm stronger than I'm really am so ppl turn to me alot for help but it's not recipricated when I needed.

    If I could, I would cry everyday to make up for not being able to cry at all.

  10. I'm not emotional at all...

    I used to be emotional to a fault...people would constantly make fun of me, and I was always crying, about once a day...till one day I got the courage to go right up to the person and punch them in the face...he never messed with me again and from that point, I don't care about my own pain-or others pain or emotions.

    I get a lot of c**p from my friends with not being able to understand them on an emotional level...they want to cry about how horrible their lives are and I want to think of all the good times I've had and plan ideas just to have more fun...which I guess technically I do show emotion in happiness, but not in crying or whining or any of that stuff.

    I don't feel emotion, I don't show it. I'd rather be tripping on the amazing times in my life than crying about some sort of pain that I'll forget about in a day or so.

    "Pain hurts, but it rarely ever kills you"-Nikki Sixx

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  11. I am not emotional at all. Maybe that's because I don't have much water in my chart or because I'm a guy, and guys where raised not to be emotional, take your pick. I haven't cried since I was very little but even then I didn't cry much.




  12. i used to not be an emotional person..but after being with the last guy..ive turned into a very emotional person..i cry at the simplest things..even if they are not related to me..

  13. Virgo Sun/Gemini Moon...both ruled by cold Mercury...what do you think?

  14. im emotional at first response, but when i digest something like actualuy take it in i am a hard rock and i know i can choose to let it get me down or choose to ignor it :)


  15. I can honestly say it depends on my mood,but i have aspects in my chart  that would say otherwise and also an aquarius moon is supposed to be one of the the most detatched moon signs to have and i can be pretty cold sometimes with people.I have aspects like mars square saturn which can make someone pretty cold hearted,but i don't know i think it really depends on my mood,and moon trine my rising i guess makes me even more sensitive,but i don't know.

  16. I put up a strong front and show no emotion to the world but to those closest to me im the most emotional person. I just dont want to show weakness, and even to see it ppl care enough to break through the exterior


  17. gemini sun, leo moon, scorpio rising.

    Yup, I'm very very emotional. It's that d**n scorpio rising :p. I get angry and offended real easily, and I'm prone to conspiring to kill certain ppl that pissed me off real bad, but of course, I never do it. Or I'd be in jail right about now. I don't show it either though, except anger or happiness, that's the only emotion I'd usually show haha. Being gemini, I'm prone to switching to my bad half when mad or upset, and so I become a totally different person.

  18. pretty much the same as you, esp. w/the whole "fear of showing weakness" thing.

    i mean, we had a death in the family and i'd walk around school acting completely normal, but when i got home, in my room, i'd sob my heart out.

    cancer sun

    pisces moon

    scorpio rising

  19. Hm..

    I tend to cry a lot. But, like you, I hate showing people. I think that has to do with my Moon in the first house. But, I'm not, and only my close friends know that. People who don't really know me closely see a cold person that just wants to have fun. But that's not always the case. When I cry, sometimes, It feels like I cant stop. But, its ok, because I never stay sad for long.

    Sag Moon& Rising

    Virgo Sun

  20. Hi Shady,

    Definitely Emotional...

    But I tend to hide it because I dont want to lose my male masculinity...:)...but thats how society works...*sigh*

    I can bawl my eyes out if I want to ...but I dont want to sound like a cry baby.

    I can feel my emotional Cancer moon very strongly...I guess you can understand me cause you are a Cancer sun....=)

    But my Cancer moon likes to hide behind my magnetic Leo rising, determined Taurus sun, and detached Aquarius mars.

    Edit: aww...Thanks.


    Leo Rising

    Taurus Sun

    Cancer Moon

    Aquarius Mars

  21. I vary between the two extremes. I am normally very detached unless I care about something. When I do feel emotionally linked to something, my Cancer Moon acts up....otherwise, people think I'm heartless.


  22. Yes, I am emotional. But to the people I'm familiar with. I cry when I get very mad, which is oftenly because I'm impulsive and have quite a big temper.

    But emotional as I am, I don't know why I don't show affection towards people, maybe Capricorn venus? It's just really hard for me to express my love towards anyone. Even family.

    I am soft-hearted. My biggest weakness is that I talk like I have a heart of stone but I'm really very very soft-hearted. Lol. :/ *sigh*

    Sun Aquarius

    Rising Cancer

    Moon Aries

    Good Luck XD

  23. most stuff usually slides off my back and I never really get angry with people,only when people try to alienate me or make a fool of me.

    I used to base everything by the thoughts of others, but now I think for myself.

    I really cannot cry anymore, when my pop died about 2 years ago I was so sad inside, and I really felt like crying but couldn't even the moment I found out he had died.

    aries sun/aries moon/leo rising

  24. sagittarius/leo/geminni

    -yes, i am quite emotional (volatilly so); sometimes it comes out at the "wrong" time

    -i cry a lot; I rarely go a day without tearing up

    -and no i am not depressed/madly suicidal

    -other than that, I'm a pretty happy and bubbly individual

    -I used to not cry very much when I was young (that was for about the first 19 years of my life, b/c I was really ashamed of crying and of being called a crybaby.  But yeah, nowadays I do it a lot more--whenever I need to (unless I'm in public, in which case I will think twice--but just twice though lol).  I think it feels really good to cry (it's right up there with c*ming).

    -crying is very natural.  when my emotions accumulate (which can happen quite easily and rapidly), then the time becomes for me to bubble over.  yes, I think I do like crying.  and I also like company, when I'm crying, b/c people will usually pet me and say "there, there, it'll be alright" even if it's not going to be.  I also usually only like company if I'm the only one crying (kinda selfish, I know).

    **oh I can make quite a public scene sometimes, if someone hurts my feelings.  I will go ahead and cry and bubble up and carry on--in a way so that the other person looks bad--like they should be made to do.

  25. Emotional. I show it. I don't care. If I'm mad, chances are you'll feel my wrath in front of everyone, then I'll break down and cry afterward. haha

    If it's a revenge thing, I'll cry in private but be an incredibly cold-hearted b.i.tch in public and everyone thinks I'm mean

  26. Both - depending on my mood!

    I know that sounds strange but it's true....I can have good control over how I will react to certain situations...I can usually see them comming though. I can be happy and cry tears of joy, upset and cry like there's not going to be a tomorrow, withdraw a bit and be a little shy, get angry over nothing, or I can be still and really depends on the situation...

    I can fall in love in a split second and then turn my back completely when I have been done wrong....I can be cold and calculating when I feel it may be necessary or I can be warm and charming...what ever the situation or mood - when I feel something I feel it strongly! I cannot however hide my feelings very well - can see it in my eyes if you know me well enough and it's very!

    Sun/Sag  Rising/Cap  Moon/Scorpio

  27. Virgo cusp Libra/Gemini rising/moon in Gemini

    I cry at least once a week....When I was a teen I use to believe I cried more in a month than some people do in their entire life!  I'm very emotional...not typical of Virgos...

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