
Are u ever surprised at how much time has passed when on yahoo?

by Guest65867  |  earlier

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annnnnnnd how do u force yourself to turn off...what finally does it for you!?......(I could quite hapily stay on here all night lol))....It's usually the neck ache that forces me off in the end




  1. I know I've been on too long when I start answering questions by people who think it's acceptable to use 'u' instead of 'you'.

  2. its when my bottom becomes too numb. i told myself to go bed at 1.00, yet here i am with a numb bum.......hmmmmmmm. time to go i think.

  3. Yes... it's sooo much easier than reading Virgil; although most things are --except reading Plato which is worse.

  4. yea

  5. It is called internet addiction. I sometimes don't leave until I run out of questions yahoo will let me answer.

  6. well, for me it's usually my body saying "You need sleep mate!" But I do stay on for a LONG time!

  7. either DDR, guitar hero, devil may cry, or world of warcraft...that gets me off yahoo. Either that or redoing the html on my myspace. Sometimes, it's my bed.

  8. yes

  9. Yes! I was on here last night about 8:00, and before I knew it, it was 2:00 a.m.!!!!

  10. Never

  11. u been a member for 5 months since september and only a lever twoer how r u surprised ur probaly hardly ever even on this im on till 6 in the morning then get off cause everybodys sleeping hence this is full of kids if it was teenagers ill be up till 8 tell me what teenager goes to sleep before 6? tell me unless there a nerd.

  12. time flys when your having fun!

  13. I don't know how i ended on this site 3 weeks ago and now i'm absolutely hooked on it! I am actually fed up since i should be studying and researching on the net and every day now i have to check Answers the same as i check my emails. I was gonna go to bed at 1am and it's now 2.30am and i've just spent the last 1h1/2 on Answers, aaaaargh! This site should be banned! :)

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