
Are u going to college?

by  |  earlier

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What major are u studying and are u gonna go to university?




  1. i am going to college and going to comuunity college because i am asian but not smart enough.. what a coincidence! lol :P majoring in sports management

  2. Yes of course and I'll taking accountancy!

  3. pharmacy going to ualberta and i'm quite scared...classes begin in 4 days....

  4. I'm going to Southern Oregon University for Music Education =]

    what about you?

  5. yes. majoring in liberal studies

    liberal studies: knowing a little bit about everything and specializing in nothing

    shouldn't have changed my major to liberal studies

  6. I graduated from a small college. My major was Business Administration. Minor was Sociology.

    Good luck in whatever you chose to do in life. Enjoy those 2 or 4 years. Learn, live life, and also have fun. Unlike high school college is all about preparing for your future and career.

  7. yes, im majoring in biology

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