
Are u in a relationship cos u want to be or cos ur scared of being alone???...?

by  |  earlier

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my housemate is in a relationship cos she doesnt wanna be alone and im just wondering if other ppl are like that too...




  1. because there is no other like him, and my heart tells me he's the one!♥

  2. neither.. Just convenience.. sad but true

  3. I am into relationship because i love her ... i guess there cant be better reason than this .....  

  4. im not in a relationship but i am independent and not scared of being alone.

  5. i was before.  but now i am so in love it scares the sh*t out of me.

  6. I'm in love because I want to,I'm scared of nothing well except spiders I hate them

  7. I have to answer this on with all the sincerity I can.  Sorry for that.  I had a brief period when I could care less for women because of being used, mostly because I worked hard and always had money to spend.  I got tired of that so I took a vacation from the evil creatures.  In January of 2000 someone changed my thoughts on this subject  we email a few times never having exchanged names, pics or anything other than just words.  February of that same year we went on a first date.  Did I know it was love, YES,  we meet in the mall during the busiest time at the busiest part still not knowing what each other looked like.  Within 5 minutes we found each other.  On the 3rd date we were engaged to be married in august of that year.

    Now I am the type of person that would be happy walking into the woods away from people forever.  So yes I am in a relationship because I want to be and committed to that person and no one else.  However it does not mean  that I am going to swear off making new friends and chatting with them or calling people up to see how they are doing.  I love the interaction and the chance to learn about this world that we all call home.

  8. I am because I want to be but I have a close friend who is because she's scared of being alone (I believe)...she always had dreams of being married and settled young and when she broke up with her last boyfriend she was back into a new relationship in no time - and spent her entire single time wringing her hands about finding a new one...

    As for me, I'm a very independent person. I actually quite like isolation and space - I lived alone (except for my cat) for a year and loved it, and spend a lot of time thanks to my work (as a pilot in a single-crew plane) travelling and working I'd go mad if I was scared of being alone - and a combination of personality and lifestyle mean that I'm happy either way.  

  9. For me, what depends on the relationship is love. It's only a matter of time before I really get to meet my "true love".

    I'm an independent person, so I don't mind going on my own.

  10. im sick of being alone , right now , within reson i hate to say it but i would probably take anyone who asks

    so i understand the situation and what your friend must be feeling like  

  11. No way... I'd only be in a relationship if I really liked the guy!

    Like a few days ago... when my crush's friend asked me out for him and I said YES and thought we were going out RIGHT UP until he said his friend was joking and we weren't really going out =/

    It really hurt me... but thats life for ya =[

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