
Are u into strength training program and so forth? can u help me please?

by  |  earlier

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helo all. do u consider yourself a fitness freak or something like that? im a fitness freak myself. i work out regularly. and just now i gave a try to something called "feats of strength". just push myself to the limit. in both muscular strength and muscular endurance. this is what i did just now, i weight 170lbs/77kg and i did 12 pushups in a row with a 120lbs/55kg person standing on my shoulder blades. all the way down all the way up. 12 pushups in a row with 120lbs standing on my back,. and then i rest and take a breath for less than 30 seconds and continue with 35 diamond pushups in a row. no more 120lbs on my back. just my bodyweight for 35 diamond pushups in a row. honestly, what do u think of my feats of strength for a guy who weights 170lbs/77kg and stands at 5'11/180cm. thanks and have a nice day.




  1. I am not impressed.

    Dude enough. you have posted this same question at least 20 times using at least 3 different accounts. I can only think of three reasons you keep doing this.

    1) brain damage from steroids and you don't remember asking the last one.

    2) You are so insecure that you have to come on yahoo answers and impress everybody and here them say 'Oh you are awsome.

    3) You are trolling, in which case you are doing it very badly. Come on have some pride and imagination. Here is a link to the ultimate troll question on here to date.;...

    I mean come on have a little originality and pride.

  2. Cross fit website is great for fitness buffs like you. Check out the workout of the day (WOD) it will test your strength limits.

    Sample workout

    Set of 12



    35pound weighted pullups and then go into

    burpee thrusters with 45 pound weights no rest in between.

  3. If your pushing your self that hard i hope you keep regular appointments with a Doctor as i suspect your eventually going to injure your self. You want to make sure you do not end up with a enlarged heart from the demands your putting on it. Also you might ad Isometrics to your training......

  4. Dude I really dont mean to be rude but you've posted this multiple times just stop. Yes its impressive just stop posting it!!!!

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