
Are u offended if your birthday card is late?

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My daughter was recently in a car accident, so I forgot a relative's birthday. I ended up with very little money and wanted to wait until I had more to get this person a better gift. I am FOUR days late on their birthday and I explained why to them. They replied, "If you don't send me a gift the day of my birthday, then you are telling me that I'm unimportant to you, so just forget it!" I stated that that is not true but they did not want to hear it. Do YOU agree that you should just forget someone's birthday if the card or present isn't on time?




  1. If I got my birthday card late, truthfully, I'd be thankful enough that they still remembered my b-day and I'll write them back a plain thank you for the card. This person's a JERK they're so VAIN that they didn't even care at all if your daughter is alright. Don't feel bad about that, it wasn't your fault! shame on them... they should be put in your shoes to see how it'd felt.

  2. very much so

  3. NO not at all gifts and cards are not to be expected its done out of the kindness of someones heart! please dont send this person a card now b.c obviously you care alot more about them than they do you

  4. I disagree that you should forget someones birthday if the card or present is late. Whoever it was that said, "If you don't send me a gift the day of my birthday, then you are telling me that I'm unimportant to you, so just forget it!" was being incredibly rude. It isn't mandatory to give anyone a present or card on their birthday. This person was out of line. When a gift or card is given the polite thing to do is be thankful--not selfish and say that he/she doesn't want it because it's late.

    It was also extremely selfish that this person wasn't sympathetic toward your situation and was only thinking of themself.

    you were not in the wrong at all in this situation.

  5. I bet you were hurt my feelings got hurt just reading your situation because I was once in that situation when I brought a child a gift just o be buying it and she told me that her papa had already brought her that same gift so she didn't want it and she acted real ugly about it.  But to me that is just a sign of ungratefulness.  So what if the present was 2 months late it was the thought that counts anyways.  Next time I wouldn't even buy them a card I would just forget all about their birthday because if they couldn't understand that it was bad timing for you this time and you forget possibly next time imagine what they would have to say or what if you get them something that they don't like what would they have to say.  Don't lose any sleep behind that person and just know that you did do the right thing you thought about them.   You tried and there isn't anything wrong with trying.  Smile!  and I hope that your daughters' recovering goes swell!

  6. Not at all! They are just being stingy and rude. If you were giving a present to them, and a car accident happened, so you forgot, well then that happens.

  7. Dear lady,

    I hope your daughter is recovering. It is perfectly understandable that you would be late with a birthday card in the midst of dealing with such a thing. It appears that your relative is being very insensitive and rude under the circumstances.  Sending a card or gift is an act of kindness on your part--- not something anyone has a right to expect. The card or gift should be appreciated no matter when it arrives.  

  8. Not at all! Especially in your condition and with the money thing, you went more than out of your way to get them a card. With their attitude, they're lucky you even gave them a gift.

  9. h**l Yeah. My birthday is less then 2 weeks before Christmas so I have gotten use to not even getting a card or anything for my birthday. The only person who remembered my birthday was my Aunt May because her birthday was on the 20th of December, five days before Christmas.

    You think they would have cut you a little slack because you had so much on your mind worrying about your daughter and her condition. But then again some people can be so self centred they think that the world revolves around them, they just care about themselves and nobody else. So, next year buy them one of those dollar birthday cards and send to them in the mail, because that's all they deserve for being so selfish and petty this year. Good Luck and I hope everything works out right for you and you daughter.

  10. Whoever that person is, they're very petty and small.

    Next year, don't send anything.

  11. OMG she was sooooooo rude.  You had a legitimate reason for the card to be late.  I think I would have responded with something like, "I be sure to remember that you would prefer to be forgotten.  I won't bother remembering those who can't step up to the plate in a family crisis."  At least you did give her a card.  I can't remember the last time I got one from a family member.  I understand that $$ is tight so we all just phone or email(most of the time).

  12. If they are going to act that way about it I would think that.

  13. No I don't agree that we should just forget someone's birthday if the card or gift are late.  People forget birthdates all the time.  That's why hallmark makes a killing on "belated" birthday card wishes.

    In this case your relative is being a complete total jerk and doesn't deserve a card or a present as far as I'm concerned.    Take the gift back and get your money back and spend it on your daughter or on yourself.  What an absolutely self-righteous indignant way to treat you.  There was no need to make those kinds of hurtful comments to you.

    When things like that happen just take a look at the source.  If her reply is not for you to send her a gift then call  her on it- just don't send it!  It's that simple.  She has told you to forget it.  Then do just that.  Next time she'll think twice about sulking.  

    You have a enough to worry about with a trashed vehicle and daughter who was just in a car accident.  Sometimes end up bending over backwards to keep peace in the family.  Sometimes it is just not worth it.  Good luck and I'm glad your daughter is okay.

  14. I would definetly never get that person a present again. Save your money and forget about ever trying to please them. I don't care if there was a car accident or not, if it is late, realize that life happens and at least we were nice enough to send you something. I acutally always love having presets sent late, because after your actual Birthday is over you assume that is all that you are getting, but when something comes late, it is a nice suprise that you get something more. No you were not rude, the other person was.  

  15. No, at least they sent me something at all. But I don't take my birthday very seriously at all. There are some people who really take their birthday seriously, though. I'm sure if they knew your daughter was in a car accident, they would act differently. And if they already knew? Well, then they're just a self-important jerk.

  16. this person does not sound very nice. you probably don't need to send a card now.  

  17. NO it is not rude, especially in this case.  I hope that this person is a supposed friend that you can separate yourself from and not a relative that you are stuck dealing with.  If it is a "friend" since she reacted the way that she did and didn't even bother asking if your daughter was ok, as hard as it is sometimes, I would realize that this person really isn't a friend at all and walk away since she gave you the perfect reason to.  This person is VERY selfish and not worth having as a friend.  Unfortunately my sister is just like this so hopefully it's not a relative!

  18. How old is the person?  They have to be under 10 years old.  

  19. It sounds to me like someone is being very selfish and I am not referring to you. They should be thankful to get anything at all from you at anytime! Whether it be that day or even weeks later. I can't believe someone would reply to you like that. I would have just said fine and not given him/her anything. The only thing you can do is apologize and move forward. Next year, don't do anything for them... I am really surprised at the way people act these days. It's the thought that counts!!!

  20. I'm not. I don't even care whether I get a birthday card or not.

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