
Are u the black sheep of ur family? :]?

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are u the one who gets most attention? least attention? black sheep? put ur signs 2.!

i would say im the black sheep of my family

aquarius w/ leo rising




  1. In a strange sort of way I was the black sheep. Both sides of my family had a long tradition of the woman marrying early in life, raising a family and tending to the household and children. I was the first to pursue a college education and of all things (the shame the shame) major in engineering, which was considered a man's job. When my mother introduced me to her new friends, she would always go on about how I looked or what suit I was wearing, but she would hedge on telling them what I did for a living. She was so relieved when I finally had a child when I was 35, and she commented that now I could be like the rest of my friends from school.

    Memories...   :)

  2. Yes. Aquarius w/ leo moon, gemini rising.

  3. Yeah, I guess so.. I always gets my own way, quarrel a lot wih them. If they told me what not to do, I don't listen to them. We're just only 2 siblings.. My brother pretty much follows the rules. I think 'brat' is more fitting for me.


  4. Yes.

  5. Yes i am the black sheep of my family definitely,because i feel like i can't talk to any of my family members except for my mother,and even thats hard for me to do,because our relationship became strained when i came out so it's almost like i don't got nobody to talk to when things are going bad for me,and i hate that,but thats life.My one sister was always the one who got the most attention,and me,and my other sister were kind of left out in the cold.I never ever had a close relationship with my dad,and he doesn't even know that i'm g*y i mean everyone know's but him about me so i can't talk to him at all.I think i have different view's on things,and they don't agree with my lifestyle so it's never been easy for me.I find that friends and lovers have been more supportive of me,and are there for me more than my own family ever was.

  6. when i was a kid. i was

    but now my family is so proud of me

    scorpio sun, aries moon, taurus rising

  7. I am the favorite of the family. 1 # Because I was born first and I had a lot of responsibility which earned my favoritism. 2# Because my sister is always arguing with my mom. My sister is a Scorpio and my mom is a Sagittarius. 3#  I am more laid back and very understanding towards my mom and her feelings.  

  8. Story of my life. Yes, I am the black sheep/outcast/lone wolf of my family.

    Scorpio (cusp with Libra) w/ Scorpio rising and Pisces moon

  9. yes I'm the black sheep, sag with sag rising.

    I'm an environmental and human rights activist... my family is comprised of rednecks. ha ha!! Makes Thanksgiving fun... I get lots of attention, but I don't want that much, it isn't "Hey you're doing a good job"

  10. least scorpio virgo rising.

  11. Yeah I am but I love it that way. Most of them don't get me and think I'm weird. My family isn't exactly made up of a lot of quality people and if they saw me as one of them that would me that they feel like they have something in common with me. That would NOT be a good thing.You couldn't pay me to fit in with these people. The only ones I'm close with are my mom, dad, brother, and a few aunties. The rest aren't worth mentioning =)

  12. Hmm

    I have an Aries mother, Cancer dad, and a Gemini brother

    I've ALWAYS found myself (being a Virgo) as the responsible one. My family acts pretty childish at times. And I'm usually the one that has to be the fun-sucker.

    I think I get the most attention though. Whether its negative or positive. When I was little, I was a really good girl. I never did anything bad. EVER. But now, I find myself rebelling a lot. Which doesn't really please my parents. =P

  13. I'm the black sheep just about everyone forgets about me.

    I'm a Cancer w/ Sag. rising.  

  14. i get a lot of attention, i woulnt say the most, the funny thing is i love my family, but dont like hanging with them all the time, i prefer my alone time at home, and like to party and hang out with friends, which is why my family gives me so much attention, and they see me as the successful one , since i was the first one to graduate from college

    sun/rising leo w moon aries

  15. It's just me and my mom so I pretty much get all the attention

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  16. i get the most praise but i don't feel like i'm the favorite child.  i'm a capricorn.  

  17. i am the one who suffers alone through most of the hard parts

    + because of that - alone is how i choose to be for the most part.

  18. Cool question, Emmie.

    I guess I could say that I am the black sheep of my family. I left home when I was 13, so I've always been very independent from them. I do my own thing, and make my own rules. Often my ways of handling things, my views, the way I dress, and the things I value differ quite a bit from my family. I definitely stand out amongst them. However, there are some things that we share in common, and I don't have any trouble getting attention if I want it.

    Libra w/ Libra Rising

  19. I'm definitely the black sheep in my family, but my family loves me very much! They are proud of me and who I am.

    I'm a Leo with Aries moon sign.

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