
Are unhinged BDS libs voices in their heads exploding with the name SARAH PALIN, SARAH PALIN, SARAH PALIN?

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Are unhinged BDS libs voices in their heads exploding with the name SARAH PALIN, SARAH PALIN, SARAH PALIN?




  1. Why should my head explode?  She's got no experience, she's a religious fanatic, and no one has heard of her or knows a thing about her.  Choosing Palin as his VP candidate will help Obama get elected.  So, yay!

  2. Adam:  What makes her a religious fanatic??? Could you please give a source for that info?

    To question Palin’s experience is hilarious.  People have no problem voting for Obama, who has even less experience!

    Palin is a Governor. That means she runs the entire state of Alaska. Yes, it's population is small but it is a geographically huge state with many resources to manage and lots of needs.

    She has been a Governor for 20 months, which is longer than Obama has served as a Senator. I guarantee you that Palin’s diplomatic skills have been exercised to the nth degree in her rolls as Governor, Mayor and owner of two successful businesses.

    Senators just talk.  They talk about polices, propose polices, and vote on policies.

    Mayors govern, Governors govern, and presidents govern.

    As mayor, and now as Governor, Palin has an approval rating of 85-95%. That is incredibly high!

    She kept her campaign promises to her constituents. She had a PLAN for the things she said she was going to do and she initiated those changes right away.

    Obama has not communicated a plan for anything he has proposed.  Palin already has a history of creating plans and following through. Being a Governor is far more relative to being president than a Senator.  IMHO, Palin is a better choice than Obama, by far!

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