
Are universals manufactured by man before they come into existence metaphysically?

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Are universals manufactured by man before they come into existence metaphysically?




  1. there is no universe, its all just a dream, the world you live in now doesn't exist, you and i never existed, when you die, it makes no difference because you never existed in the first place...............

  2. Universals are discovered, if they do not exist outside of the mind then they are not universals.

    They are discovered when observations can be codified by abstract symbols to render a prediction of what is likely to be a constant observation.

    That a universal is invariant in translational, rotational, or relative terms is the symmetry that makes it universal.

    If you speak of a universal that does not exist apart from the human mind then I would not consider it a universal at all, the mind does not form reality it interprets it.

  3. How we apprehend universals is not entirely clear.  However it does seem that they manifest unto us in a variety of different ways.  Even as a product of our minds forming of reality.  We do both, form and interpret it.

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