
Are unrealistic expectations keeping me single?

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So I'm 25, going onto 26, and while most friends are getting married I still havent had my first girlfriend. I tried dating all sorts of girls but there are some things I cannot be flexible on. She must be college educated, religious, with a good heart, and a virgin. Most people understand the first three but the last one not quite. I want a virgin because I want the fuzzy feeling knowing that we were each other's first. Chalk it up to a childhood fantasy carried over to adulthood, but seriously, it has nothing to do with insecurities or jealousy, etc.




  1. The first 3 are attainable but that last one might be a little difficult. But you are'nt being unreasonable. My standards include no smokers and no country music.  

  2. well no they arent because I fit all of those but I'm 20 so theres a bit of an age difference either way you'll find the right girl its just gonna take you alot longer because you do have higher standards than most people but its not a bad thing other people just settle for whatever is around

  3. Your expectations are realistic, but very immature. Girls don't like that. Life and human nature are way more fascinating and complicated than just "education, religion, heart, and v****a condition." Narrow-mindedness makes people boring. And no one wants to waste time on boring. Try to think outside the box.

  4. I don't think your being unrealistic you just have high standards. I just turned 26 and getting married next month and we both are educated,religious, and virgins. So it can happen! I used to feel the way you do but one day I just decided I wasnt gonna focus on it and the one for me will come along at the right time.  And he did. Just be patient! Hope this encouraged you!  

  5. i think that if you have a check-list for a mate, then you're never gonna find what you're looking for. dating is already hard enough without having to life up to other people's high expectations.  

  6. I wouldn't call it unrealistic but your last criteria is almost impossible in this day and age.

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