
Are us citizens subject to us law while out of the country?

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if the legal age limit in the usa is 18, and someone travels to a country where the age limit is 16 can that person be convicted of rape? and i don't mean morally i mean legally!




  1. Yea.U are a US citizen but in a foreighn country so u are sybject to that countries law(s).

    Its the same thing here in the US where,..its illegal for g**s in Minnesota but legal in California and if they tried and got married in Mn,they would get into legal problems.

    So the US citizens are subject to that countries law.

  2. Depends unless your a diplomat you abide by there rules  

  3. You are subject to the laws of the land you are in.  

  4. As a general rule you are subject to the laws of the land you are visiting, there are a few exceptions, people in the military or govt. related travel are expected to follow U.S. law, as well as students attending school in foreign countries on U.S. govt scholarships, this mainly pertains to drug laws though. If an American under those conditions is in a country with lax drug laws they are held to U.S. standards. A lot of companies will drug test employees returning from European vacations and fire them if they fail, even if the drug use was in a country where it is legal.

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