
Are vampires demons?

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Are vampires demons?




  1. That depends on the vampires habits and if they attack humans or not.  The vampires that have self restraint and eat pig, cow blood are still evil but you can hang around them.

    The other kind is the ones that ruthlessly eat humans like livestock and them? they're called devils but they're just vampires that are addicted to the taste of human flesh.  


  2. They are just vampires, eater of energy ( like the blood) of emotional people. They make you feel annoyed and your energy go out with your emotions, they only take it. :)

    So, to been in safe keeping do not snatch the bait.  

  3. part demon, part human.  

  4. Ask Satan. Maybe he doesn't want too much competition in h**l.

  5. No demons are Fallen Angels!.

  6. No

  7. if they were real im sure they wouldnt be.

  8. Depends.

    If the particular vampire story is being told with religious undertones (can be hurt by crosses/holy water etc.) then it could quite possibly be just that.

    However most 'modern' vampire stories (like blade) are usually focused around the idea of a parasitic disease that turns the human body into a host so in that case no - they're victims.

  9. I would have to say no.

    Demons were terrible figures in the Bible, who tortured and tormented the dead, and sometimes the living. They're rooted quite deeply into Christianity.

    Vampires, on the other hand, are creatures we adopted from much older cultures. They have no claims or roots in Christianity, ruling out that possibility.  

  10. yes vampires are demons  

  11. Where are all of you Ladies and Gentlemen getting these answers from.....  For all Vampires and werewolves are demonically generated.... All a vampire will ever be is a demon that has re-animated a human  corpse and with their demonic powers of illusions they can appear human.... And yes they can be seen in their true form by using a simple mirror..... And no the Cross and  holy water does not work... Un-less the holy water was blessed to be used in a exorcism........................ Now people read book or watch movies or whatever and what they don't seem to realizes is that most of what they see or read comes from some writters imagination and since their writting is base on a real legend people have a tendecy to hear the same thing so often they start believing what they are told... When in fact 95% of what they read or see is pure fiction............ Like the cross and holy water.... And there have been over the centuries thousands of people that went to their death holding onto a cross.... And these same people refuse to believe that vampires are demonically controled... Even after learning that Lilith was the first human to be turned into a demonic vampire, By God......... And even in this day ang age people are still wearing symbols and emblems to protect themselves from Litith type vampires...................................

  12. no, theyre still humans just like u and me.

  13. vampires are just misunderstood!

  14. No, but kinda yeah too.
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