
Are vampires real? i want to meet one and get proof cuz its hard to beleave what you dont see for yourself?

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Are vampires real? i want to meet one and get proof cuz its hard to beleave what you dont see for yourself?




  1. which form of a vampire? well i believe @ 1 point in time someone had done something so bad they were immortalize in the minds of mind becoming alps, werewolves, and such. Personally i do believe in ghost and many different spirits.

  2. Why would you want to meet one,...



  4. my definition of a vampire is completely different from yours. and i believe i am right. there are no sucking blood vampires. sure there are those who strive to be them, and they do their best to pretend they are, but in the end they are human. vampires feed off of something that we all need. energy. i call them Drainers. because that is exactly what they do. they drain you of energy. most dont even know what they are. people around them just seem to get sleepy. i for one know two Drainers. so yes there are vampires, just not steriotypical ones.

  5. They are not real but make for great T.V.

  6. it depends on your definition of vampire.

    are there people that bite other people's necks and like the taste of blood? yes.

    are there vampires like in the twighlight series or that can turn into bats and don't have reflections? no, probably not.

  7. Trust me being a vampire isn't what your thinking or being a werewolf it is acctually pretty horrible the werewolf you think of is not human and never will be again after being bitten buy a werewolf yes werewolves have viruses and so do zombies and yes zombies are real they have studied the virus and they have a cure for it but most hospitals refuse to carry it so if we have a outbreak were gone lol but your probally see vampires everyday in a large city you will see some sangs. and alot psi. but in a small town maybe a couple of sangs and a surprising number of psi vampires first of all we lack life energy picture a paper cup with water in it and poke a hole in the bottom thats like are life energy so a sang would have to find a donor not like the vampires in the movies that just attack people that would be barbaric well back to topic and that donor would have to keep a secret or just only tell your other freinds and vampires don't burn up in sunlight like you think were alittle more prone to sunbornt hen normal lol a energy vampire gets its life energy from of course YOU or pretty much anybody I could just walk right by you and you would feel drained your aura is another story its like a 6 feet tall beam of color that only someone with EMP abilities can see or someone who has realesed there 3rd eye well anyways you prob have seen a vampire maybe even your best freind Oh and vampires aren't undead monsters vampires are just like humans but have a energy disorder so what i'm saying is if you go out for a jog and a vampire went out for a jog with you you would prob jog longer then the vampire because they lack energy that humans get from food and food just filles it enough so they take blood or energy from a donor or some random person also there once was virus that caused the infected to crave blood or have gain special abilites to drain energy(this one was much rare since the infected had to of had some psi abilites)and it was passed on by bloodlines the virus is long gone it was destoryed by this secret wing of US goverment that elimnated zombies and vampires(ha wouldn't that be a scary job :P)I don't think destorying vampires was neccsary but destorying zombies AMEN to that and one more thing vampires could possibly die when they don't have enough energy and will have bad hart problems thereing the lack of feeding psi vampires can also feed in there sleep which I do for me a headache or stomach ache to means well time to go to sleep b4 it gets worse and there you go I just schooled you abunch of things :P.

  8. i dont think there are technically REAL vampires with the fangs, and turn into bats.

    however, there is a health condition that is very rare that sounds kind of like vampires. where people need to eat human flesh or blood to survive because of the certain vitamin or something in it that their body needs. Either King George IIV or Edward or something like that had that condition.

    and there are cannibals in other countries...

  9. They live in the wolfman's basement

  10. There are Vamires.

    There are people who drink other peoples blood.

    The myth of Hollywood vampires with the fangs and sunlight, or even the Twilight version, those were all started in Romania and England even Jamaica.

    The only reason it was so believeable is because it was before modern science and medications and people are nieve.

    No one could tell if someone was really dead or just in a coma so when they got up and started walking around...well theres your vampire.

  11. If you had the slightest Idea of what a real vampire is.. There is no way anyone human on the face of this earth would want to meet one in some dark alley....... And believe this or not.... many human have thru out the centuries have done just that... And those that have manage to get away were saved because they knew what to look for when It comes to vampires.............

  12. think so i think i have saw 1

  13. dont think so

  14. psychic vampires are real, i have come across a few and grew up with some.  why would you want to meet them?  they're pretty low key, well the REAL ones are.

    psychic vampires drain energy from people.  you've got EMO ones that like get energy from your emotions

    you've got SEXUAL ones that get energy from having s*x with you

    then you've got the scary ones like ASTRAL vampires who are satanic and stuff

    you've got other psychic vampires that take energy from the elements like water, fire, earth etc so thats pretty cool...and yeah ;)

    psychic vampires are like the blood sucking vampire except they take energy.  

    some psychic vampires even visit you in your sleep......

    MWAH HA HA HAAAA  lol :)

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