
Are vampires real? like the one in twilight? i cant find any proof if they are or are not...?

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all articles say their real then they say their not like someone cant make up their mind... is it weird? is it weird if somone acts exactly like the vampire edward in the book twilight? im so confused lol all i need is a straight answer yes or no if their real or not. i dont care what the answer is im just curious is all...




  1. Their are real vampires, but not the blood sucking immortal vampires that most people are used to.  Being a real vampire sucks, nothing s**y or cool about it.  Google it sometimes, you will find some interesting articles on real vampires.

  2. Yes vampires are very real creature... But they are nothing like what you read about in twilight.... A real vampire is nothing more than a butcher a killer of innocents................. And I wish that you vampire  lovers make some sort of effort to find out what a real vampire is and about....................... And just maybe you will learn how  to love yourself...............................

  3. I'm gonna have to say they are not real. Yes there are a ton of myths and legends from different cultures and I'm sure there are many people who believe in them, and probably some people who think they are a vampire, but they are not real. It kind of defies science and medicine.

  4. no. vamps are real, but not light twilight. acting isnt the same as being.

  5. o my goddddddd.... what is wrong with you...u r an idiot

    OF COURSE THEY ARE...they are as real as you and me (;

    (i winked because i am of the creatures of they night)

    i enjoy walks on the graveyard, great conversation and suckingyoo hungry now...i thing ill go to DQ and eat one of the customers blood

    yes...we are very real hazaaaaaaaaaaarh

  6. Yeah, they live all around us. I know a few myself. :)

  7. To answer your question, no. People acting like Edward Cullen are NOT vampires. They are a bit too obsessed with that horrible series.

    There are real vampires, but they aren't like those in books or movies. I've had to say this so many times, so I don't feel like explaining it again. Do a bit of research, maybe meet a few real  vamps, and you'll find the answers you want. If you set out looking for the vampires from Twilight, then you'll probably be pretty disappointed, but if you want to find the real ones, you'll probably find quite a few. Happy hunting.

  8. That book rocks! :)

    This is a very subjective question! :) I guess I'll only believe it if I happen to meet 'EDWARD' character in real life. Story books are just love to make things seem so surreal. :)

    It'll be really cool if we can be like the narrator of that story - to fall in love with 'Edward'. :p

  9. I believe in am...just not the stupid holly wood c**p

  10. vampires are real

  11. i wish!

    edward is the bomb.

  12. no, they do not exist. but theyre are bats who suck on animals blood!:)

  13. i think there are real vampires? but not the kinds in the twilight

    series, but i wish they were cuz those books are amazing!

  14. yes we are real. just not like in the books like twilight.

    we are jsut basicaly normal humans. we just have to get others life force(psi chi and many other names for it) because our body cant seems to leak our own.

  15. well honestly i don't know, it's like unexplained mysteries. some people believe it and others don't. it's basically your choice to believe if there real or not. But let me just say "seeing isn't always believing."

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