
Are vampires real?????

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just wondering




  1. i really think vamps are real. They are just blended in to society.

  2. yes they are real. they just hide from us.

  3. if people knew if vampires were real, do you really think we'd be as careless as we are at night?  i think that there could have been some sense to the legend a long time ago, but i'm a firm believer in not believing until i see/experience it.  who knows? they could be. some people claim to be, mostly just because they're pale and like drinking people's blood [but only cause they're weird... they chose that lifestlye] and only come out at night. whether it's true or not has not ever been proven.

  4. No, vampires are not real, they merely are a legend. However, cannibals that drink peoples blood are unfortunately real.

  5. There are people who claim to have vampiric traits, like there's a whole counter culture based off vamps, but I don't know if I personally believe in vampires..but who knows.....maybe on will come and bite me one night and prove me wrong
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