
Are vampires said to live forever?

by Guest64945  |  earlier

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Are vampires said to live forever?




  1. oh shut up you rubble ribble or whatever. its just a question. i guess until you stab them with a wood steak with meat?  i believe that is the way.

  2. Vampires are immortal. However, they are not real.

  3. Yeah but they mostly die in stories.

  4. Only spirits without a human body can live forever.  My dead mother is now eternal without a human body.  She only lives without a human body as a dead human body ghost.  The deads only exist in InfraRed whereas the living only exist in Hertzian Frequency.

    Vampires are the trapped deads that do not know on how to get out of a most forbidden reality called planet earth.  How can we survive a world trapped with limitation of the human specie ?

    We are after all the flat landers of this specie !

    Car is a vehicle, O, is the ultimate goddess and line is this matrix !

    Caroline is my birth name !

  5. said by??? here I am!!  AM I NOT BEAUTIFUL???????

  6. i want a cookie! lol

    and vampires don't exist!!

  7. Yea im all the vampire books i read they are Immortal so Yea i guess.

    Unless of course they get killed by someone.

  8. They're not really living in the first place.

    And it depends on which point of view you're looking at.  Some versions live forever, others go to eternal damnation if you stab them with a stake, etc.  

  9. every vampire legend is different, but the majority of them seem to agree that they are immortal (the logic being that they are already dead and are moving around anyway they can't die a second time) but they can be killed (for good) by destroying both the brain and the heart.

  10. yes, unless they are killed by something but it depends on the myth as to what can kill them  

  11. Going by Bram Stoker's Dracula, Vampires do live forever, but without blood they wither, and have to sleep in the soil of their home land. The only way to kill a vampire is with a steak through the heart and removing the head. Weak, unfed vampires are also hurt by sunlight.

    There are many other legends of vampires, most of which they live forever and can only be killed with a steak through the heart or sunlight.

    In Twilight, the novel by Stephenie Meyer, the live forever and cannot age, the only way to kill the vampire is to burn it (after immobilizing it of course.)

  12. Yes. They can only be killed by Sunlight, or a Steak through the heart. Garlic is a repellent.

  13. Depends on what book or movie you are watching. Some contradict each other,  and it's not like we can ask a real vampire. :]

  14. I'm not sure. At least, i think they are.

    And i do believe they exist.

    But, every time i ask a question about them. People always have something rude to say...

  15. yep, are you planning on becoming one?

  16. let me ruin this for you sorry but there is not such thing as VAMPIRES dumaz.

  17. Yep.  

  18. Yes, but all of the REAL vampires throughout history have lived normal length lives and died really gruesome deaths when the villagers found out.  

  19. It truly on depends on your source of information. I believe if vamps were real... They'd live forever, but of course, doomed to be without a soul for their "lives".... They're actually the undead so the don't 'live' per-say... So technically speaking... They don't live forever, they just live in a suspended state of animation, being neither dead nor alive.

  20. apparently.....until u stab them in the heart.......I believe

  21. It it were true, Vlad the Impaler, AKA Vlad Dracula would still be around. But I have to burst your bubble, there are no vampires. Just vampire want to be's  

  22. yeah..but they are also meant to be absolutely beautiful..

  23. che dude

    unless they get killed

  24. It depends. In some stories, vampires live forever. Others, they age, but at an incredibly decreased rate and with very long life spans; so they're mortal.

  25. In movies and books they say that they are immortal but real vampires are mortal.

    We do exist. Vampires are not like those in the movies or books, we don't drain unwilling victims of their blood. We have kind people who are called donors and they give us the blood or energy we need. Vampires are people who have energy deficiency and need to get that energy by taking it from other people. We don't die in the sun, can't fly, no super powers, can cross running water, garlic, holy water and the cross don't phase us (because we are not demons we are just different to normal people), we can see better at night than in the day, heightened senses, we do age and we aren't immortal.  

  26. Yes, unless stabbed in the heart.

  27. only in the movies, the only vampires that exist are not cases who believe they are one, like the head jobs that believe they are Jesus, Moses & Napoloen.

    Most are 10-14 years old and spoiled rotten brats

  28. it depends what kind of vampire you are really

  29. ann rice said the nature of vampire death was that they turned to stone.

    but she didnt say death..

  30. What? Who out there is trying to convince us that Vampires dont exist ! ;)

    Oh! Yes they are said to live forever. Decapitation, and sunlight can kill Vampires. Decaptation is instant. Sunlight burns them, a slow, agonizing death.

    A wooden stake through the heart did not actually kill them according to folklore, not popculture. The stake just pinned them to the ground and kept them from skulking about at night.

  31. Yes, vampires are said to be a creature that is immortal.

    For all those who have bashed her telling her to get a life and reality check, read over her question - did she ever state she believed they did truly exist? No, I believe she didn't.

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