
Are vegetarians usually shorter and smaller than meat-eaters?

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i am 13 years old, 90 pounds, and 4ft 7in. idk if its just the ppl at my school or wat but i always seem to be shorter, and weigh less than everybody else. most ppl at my school r not vegetarians, so idk if im just normally short, or if its being a vegetarian.




  1. I'm 13 years old, 5' 7", 105 lbs., and nothing has changed since I begame a vegetarian. I stopped eating meat about a month ago.

  2. The one person I know who has been an absolute vegitarian is six feet six inhes tall and about 230 lbs. He has been a true vegitarian since high school and he is now 51 years old.

  3. At 13 how tall where your mom and grandmothers? Genetics will determine how tall you are, not your diet.

    BTW: my best friend has been a vegan since birth, she is 5ft 8 tall and can lift 180pounds over her head. Her mom's a tall strong woman too.

  4. Vegetarians can be just the same size as anyone else. Im 5'9 and 120 pds. and im a vegetarian, even a vegan at one point. Of course eating right does play a role in your weight and even your height. just make sure you are getting the right amount of protein, and iron and you will be fine. most likely its just who you are, no worries. if you feel like you are unhealthy then talk to your doctor, he or she can tell you more about how heathy your physical appearance is.

  5. i am a vegan and i am on of the tallest in my class

    it is not vegitariniam

  6. They are sorter?

    Controversial for Vegans.

    Veganism or strict vegetarian diet don't eat consume milk which is the most popular source of calcium. But others base their diet in Soy products and legumes and nuts which are rich in calcium. for example Almond has more percentage of calcium than milk. So, vegans that base their diets in soy products, legume and nuts should be very tall unless their genes are very small.

    For Lacto-vegetarian or the vegetarians that consume milk, Of course, They consume a lot of milk for savory flavor.

    They are smaller?

    I think you ask the same question.

    Maybe it is the weight.

    Vegetarian don't consume meat and consume a lot of vegetables some mostly they are lighter than non-vegetarians

    I did'nt Include ovo-vegetarian or vegetarians that consume egg because I dont believe that they are vegetarians. Egg is already a life.

    Thanks for reading this.

  7. height is mostly determined by heridity but good nutrion helps

    a vegan usually has better nutrition than the average person since they are constantly paying careful attention to what they eat.  Drinking milk or a calcium supplement during growth years is important and you are doing that.  As for weight...some vegetables are fattening like potatoes and these in moderation but all the carrots, spinach, lettuce , tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, squash, and other green, yellow or leafy vegetables that you want!!  Go vegan!

  8. no.


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