
Are vegetarians / vegans hurting the planet?

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I'm just wondering if vegetarians and vegans are hurting the planet in any way.

Like, we all know that some people are against hunting. However, if nobody hunted then deer would be overpopulated and would soon die off because there wouldn't be enough food for them. Also, there would be more car wrecks because of them.

I'm just wondering if going vegetarian or vegan hurts the planet in any way?




  1. Okay then, since as a vegan I am apparently in on "global pollution" and starving deer... what should I eat? If we all ate organically, humanely raised meat the price would sky rocket..... there are factory farms because there is a demand for cheap meat. Profit, profit, profit...... that's all that matters. By the way, have you ever heard of the "three sisters"? Check it out.

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